Table 3.
Item | Class | Function | Citation |
IFN-αA | Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- Inhibits multiplication of viruses - Stimulation of innate and adaptive immune cells and antibody class switching - Immunosuppressive with prolonged activity |
Cha et al. (2014)
Tilg and Peschel (1996) |
IFN-γ | Pro-inflammatory | - Upregulates activity of CD4 helper T cells, CD8 cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, dendrites, and macrophages - Potentiates pro-inflammatory signaling and antigen presentation - Antagonizes IL-10 and TGF-β |
Castro et al. (2018)
Kopitar-Jerala (2017) |
IL-13 | Anti-inflammatory | - Inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine production from macrophages - Central mediator of IgE |
Dembic (2015)
de Vries (1998) |
IL-1α | Pro-inflammatory | - Simulates activity of genes related to inflammation and immune processes - Cell recruitment by promoting expression of adhesion molecules and chemokine production |
Gabay et al. (2010)
Medline (2022) |
IL-1F5 | Pro-inflammatory | - Also known as IL-36RN - Proposed to play a role in skin inflammation - Might be involved in innate immune response to fungal pathogens |
Blumberg et al. (2007) |
IL-21 | Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- Increases production of IL-17 by promoting differentiation of naïve Th cells to Th17 cells, upregulates IL-6 - Produced by activated CD4+ T cells; initiates and sustains antibody production and mediates antibody class switching - Promotes migration of neutrophils and NK cells to cite of inflammation, terminal conversion of B cells to plasma cells - In the presence of bacterial LPS: inhibits B cell proliferation and dendrite activation - Balances inflammatory response by increasing IL-10 production and decreasing TNF-α production |
Davis et al. (2007)
Mootha et al. (2021) |
IP-10 | Chemokine | - Chemotactic agent for T cells, NK cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendrites - Produced by many cell types in response to IFN-γ and LPS |
Chen et al. (2020)
Dufour et al. (2002) |
MIG | Chemokine Pro-inflammatory |
- “Monokine induced by gamma”, or CXCL9 - Recruitment of activated T cells to sites of infection - Induced by IFN-γ, might amplify the IFN-γ signal - May be a functional measure of bioactive IFN-γ activity that is more sensitive than direct measurement of IFN-γ |
Berthoud et al. (2009) |
MIP-1β | Pro-inflammatory | - Attracts several types of immune cells to the site of microbial infections - Stimulates production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, mast cell degranulation, and NK cell activation |
Menten et al. (2002) |
TNF-α | Pro-inflammatory | - Among the most important pro-inflammatory cytokines in mounting a proper, robust immune response - Participates in vasodilatation, expression of adhesion molecules and leukocyte recruitment, regulates blood coagulation, contributes to oxidative stress, indirectly induces fever - Activation of neutrophils and platelets and enhances killing abilities of NK cells and macrophages. Upregulates subsequent cytokine production - Bacterial LPS is one of the main stimulants of TNF-α production |
Idriss and Naismith (2000)
Zelová and Hošek (2013) |
Growth factor | - Fibroblast growth factors. Prototypic members have different isoelectric points: - aFGF = acidic. Greatest expression in brain, retina, bone matrix, osteosarcomas - bFGF = basic. Greatest expression in pituitary gland, neural tissue, adrenal cortex, corpus luteum, placenta - Regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, critical for normal fetal development, tissue maintenance, and somatic stem cell development - During inflammation: members of the FGF family facilitate the repair process |
DePhillips and Lenhoff (2004)
Marega et al. (2021) Yun et al. (2010) |
GASP-1 | Myokine | - Negative regulation of muscle mass - Regulates activation of myostatin via proteolytic cleavage |
Elkina et al. (2011)
Périè et al. (2017) |
IGF-1 | Growth factor Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- Hormone that is a major mediator of somatic growth and anabolic responses in several cells and tissues - During inflammation: can modulate immunity in various immune cells, primarily lymphocytes and monocytes, with pro- and anti-inflammatory effects depending on the magnitude of the stimulus and the type of immune cell - Mechanisms of growth hormone and IGF-1 effects on the inflammatory response are not completely understood |
Johnson et al. (1996)
Wolters et al. (2017) |
IL-2 | Pro-inflammatory | - Produced by activated T lymphocytes and upregulates the growth and activity of T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, NK cells, and development of the immune system - Strong activator of TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-1 production - Depending on the quantity of interaction with the IL-2 receptor, can be immunosuppressive via production of effector immune cells and regulatory T cells |
Hodi and Soiffer (2002)
Mitoma et al. (2021) |
IL-4 | Immunoregulator | - “Prototypic immunoregulatory cytokine”: regulation of antibody production, hematopoiesis, inflammation, effector T-cell responses. Mainly produced by activated T cells - Augments expression of major histability complexes, promotes secretion of IgE and IgG - Inhibits production of inflammatory cytokines, primarily TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1 - Pathways to determine the fate of Th lymphocytes, and promoting Th2 differentiation while inhibiting Th1 differentiation |
Brown and Hural (1997)
Curtis (2006) Luzina et al. (2012) Smiley and Grusby (1998) |
IL-15 | Pro-inflammatory | - Important during the innate inflammatory response to microbial and parasitic pathogens, and mounting a protective immune response - Critical to the development, differentiation, and survival of NK cells - In mice: expressed by monocytes and macrophages primed with microbial PAMPs or IFN-γ - Is not downregulated by inhibitory cytokines, such as IL-4 or IL-13 - Closely related to IL-2 |
Marks-Konczalik et al. (2000)
Perera et al. (2012) |
MCP-1 | Chemokine | - “Monocyte chemoattractant protein” - Regulates the migration and translocation of monocytes and macrophages |
Deshmane et al. (2009) |
NCAM-1 | Adhesion molecule | - “Neural cell adhesion molecule” - Part of the immunoglobulin superfamily that is expressed in neurons and glial cells - Important for the development of the central nervous system and synaptic plasticity - Mode of action includes regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and neurite growth |
Hübschmann et al. (2005)
Jesudas et al. (2020) |
VEGF | Pro-inflammatory | - “Vascular endothelial growth factor” - Enhances endothelial permeability by upregulating the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells, acts as chemoattractant for monocytes - During inflammation: produced by T cells, synovial cells, smooth muscle cells, and epithelial cells at the site of inflammation that promotes angiogenesis and exacerbates the severity of the reaction |
Angelo and Kurzrock (2007)
Reinders et al. (2003) |
ANG-1 | Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- “Angiogenic growth factor” - Upregulates the growth, maturation, and structural integrity of blood vessels - Involved in cellular signaling that activates production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and macrophage differentiation - Assists in endothelial integrity, which can temper the inflammatory response by preventing vascular leakage - Involved in neutrophil recruitment via production of IL-8, a neutrophil chemotactic factor |
Pizurki et al. (2003)
Seok et al. (2013) |
CD40 | Ligand | - Expressed almost exclusively by CD4+ cells - Belongs to the tumor necrosis factor superfamily - Mediates a variety of activities, including the activation of B cells and subsequent isotype switching, immunoglobulin production, and memory, and monocyte activation - Without CD40, system cannot execute immunoglobulin class switching, and only IgM class antibodies can be produced |
Alegre et al. (1998)
Chan and Rainer (2013) Manzoor (2015) |
Decorin | Pro-inflammatory | - Involved in extensive signaling network to regulate cytokine and growth factor production - Upregulates synthesis of TNF-α and IL-12 following binding to TLR2 and TLR4 on the surface of macrophages |
Dong et al. (2022) |
IFN-β | Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- Regulates cytokine and chemokine production, which in turn regulate inflammation - Regulates the development of nearly all effector cells of both innate and adaptive immunity - Modulates expression of TNF-α and IL-10 in peripheral mononuclear cells, decreases TNF-α expression in monocytes, and increases expression of IL-10 in dendrites |
Bolívar et al. (2018) |
IL-1β | Pro-inflammatory | - “Master regulator” of inflammation via regulation of innate immunity processes - Expression of IL-1β considered a “priming step”: activated cell must encounter further PAMP or DAMP - Leukocytic pyrogen, mediates fever, and induces several components of the APR - Critical in mounting a robust inflammatory response, but chronic exposure exacerbates tissue damage - Stimulus is not well-defined; purportedly continuously secreted, with serum concentration reflective of the strength of the stimulus and the extracellular requirement |
Lopez-Castejon and Brough (2011)
Kaneko et al. (2019) |
IL-10 | Anti-inflammatory | - Potent anti-inflammatory agent - Inhibits synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and downregulates antigen presentation to monocytes, macrophages, and dendrites - Limits T cell activation and proliferation - Monocytes and macrophages are the primary targets |
Islam et al. (2021)
Iyer and Cheng (2012) |
IL-17A | Pro-inflammatory | - Potentiates the inflammatory response by inducing granulopoiesis factors and neutrophil-specific chemokines - Production of several mediators of the APR, such as IL-6, and pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β - Insufficient to produce a robust immune response on its own, synergistic with other pro-inflammatory mediators to yield sustained neutrophil recruitment to the site of inflammation |
Zenobia and Hajishengallis (2015) |
IL-18 | Pro-inflammatory | - Important in local and systemic inflammation - Promotes the expression of TNF-α and IFN-γ - Regulates activity of Th1 cells, cytotoxic T cells, B cells, NK cells, and macrophages - Stimulates IL-8 production as a neutrophil chemoattractant |
Biet et al. (2002) |
LIF | Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory |
- “Leukemia inhibitory factor” - In humans: A protective cytokine produced early in the inflammatory response that downregulates expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors - Promotes the production of APP and is a monocyte chemoattractant |
Banner et al. (1998)
Yue et al. (2015) |
RANTES | Chemokine | - “Regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted” - Chemoattractant for monocytes, NK cells, and eosinophils - Homing and migration factor of effector and memory T cells during the inflammatory response |
Crawford et al. (2011) |