A) PEGylated liposomes and PLNs (formulated with 0.4 mol% and 30 mol% DiD, top and bottom, respectively); B) both formulations are colloidally stable; C) confocal microscopy images of liposomes and PLNs. While the nanoparticle size cannot be accurately estimated by microscopy due to the diffraction limit, both particle types are smaller than 1μm. Sizer bar is the same for both images; D-E) penetration of PLN-formulated DiD but not liposomal DiD in glioma spheroids (U-87MG) and tumor organoids (GL261 and GBM6). Particles and liposomes were added at 0.7μM DiD for 24h. Organoids and explants were fixed and imaged with a confocal microscope (D) or Bio-Rad gel imager (E). The confocal depth (Z-plane) was 50-100μm from the spheroid surface for all experiments; F) quantification of DiD fluorescence from images in (E). N=3 organoids per group; 2-tailed parametric t-test. P-value: ****<0.0001, **<0.01, *<0.05.