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. 2020 Mar 19;23(7):1254–1265. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019004312

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study population (30–64 years old): immigrant groups (Maamu) and the general Finnish population (Health 2011 Survey)*

All Men Women
Russian (n 328) Somali (n 221) Kurdish (n 339) Finnish (n 798) Russian (n 111) Somali (n 79) Kurdish (n 176) Finnish (n 352) Russian (n 217) Somali (n 142) Kurdish (n 163) Finnish (n 446)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
Age (years)
 30–44 143 43·7 139 66·5 222 67·3 274 42·0 58 53·1 51 67·6 111 65·6 115 42·1 85 38·5 88 65·8 111 69·4 159 41·8
 45–64 185 56·3 82 33·5 117 32·7 524 58·0 53 46·9 28 32·4 65 34·4 237 57·9 132 61·5 54 34·2 52 30·6 287 58·2
 P-value 0·640 <0·001 <0·001 0·076 <0·001 <0·001 0·444 <0·001 <0·001
 Less than high school 62 17·4 152 68·6 190 56·2 291 40·0 25 18·3 40 42·7 93 53·6 146 45·9 37 16·9 112 86·0 59 59·2 145 34·4
 High school 261 82·6 52 31·4 139 43·8 497 60·0 84 81·7 35 57·3 75 46·4 199 54·1 177 83·1 17 14·0 64 40·8 298 65·6
 P-value <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·764 0·093 <0·001 <0·001 <0·001
BMI (≥30 kg/m2)
 No 260 79·0 147 68·6 251 75·4 642 79·9 93 82·5 72 95·4 139 80·0 293 81·5 167 77·1 75 51·4 112 70·0 349 78·3
 Yes 68 21·0 74 31·4 84 24·6 154 20·1 18 17·5 7 4·6 35 20·0 59 18·5 50 22·9 67 48·6 49 30·0 95 21·7
 P-value 0·744 <0·001 0·025 0·851 <0·001 0·672 0·826 <0·001 0·003
Smoking daily
 No 272 83·1 192 98·3 281 84·5 659 81·4 77 69·1 68 95·9 126 74·4 287 79·4 195 90·7 124 100 155 95·9 372 83·3
 Yes 52 16·9 7 1·7 49 15·5 124 18·6 32 30·9 7 4·1 42 25·6 58 20·6 20 9·3 0 0 7 4·1 70 16·7
 P-value 0·556 <0·001 0·183 0·082 <0·001 0·318 0·011 NA <0·001
Excess alcohol consumption
 No 284 90·1 171 100 306 97·3 572 73·1 88 86·6 66 100 154 96·2 243 71·1 196 92·1 105 100 152 98·6 329 75·1
 Yes 27 9·9 0 0 8 2·7 209 26·9 15 13·4 0 0 6 3·8 102 28·9 12 7·9 0 0 2 1·4 107 24·9
 P-value <0·001 NA <0·001 <0·001 NA <0·001 <0·001 NA NA
Physical activity§
 Inactive/less active 247 76·7 138 81·7 263 79·2 581 72·3 82 75·8 57 81·7 129 76·1 249 69·1 165 77·2 81 81·6 134 82·8 332 75·4
 Highly active 77 23·3 33 18·3 65 20·8 203 27·7 27 24·2 15 18·3 38 23·9 97 30·9 50 22·8 18 18·4 27 17·2 106 24·6
 P-value 0·153 0·002 0·003 0·157 0·012 0·044 0·664 0·081 0·013
Use of vitamin D supplements
 No 285 91·3 155 90·4 273 88·2 626 81·2 99 94·1 62 92·8 143 91·0 296 86·4 186 89·7 93 88·4 130 85·0 330 76·2
 Yes 30 8·7 13 9·6 38 11·8 153 18·8 7 5·9 4 7·2 15 9·0 47 13·6 23 10·3 9 11·6 23 15·0 106 23·8
 P-value <0·001 <0·001 <0·001 0·008 0·059 0·057 <0·001 0·005 0·015
Season of blood sampling
 Summer (April–September) 122 36·3 100 49·2 113 32·0 400 51·0 42 37·7 35 50·2 56 31·5 178 50·9 80 35·6 65 48·5 57 32·6 222 51·2
 Winter (October–March 206 63·7 121 50·8 226 68·0 398 49·0 69 62·3 44 49·8 120 68·5 174 49·1 137 64·4 77 51·5 106 67·4 224 48·8
 P-value <0·001 0·697 <0·001 0·014 0·959 <0·001 <0·001 0·654 <0·001

AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test.


Crude n. Weighted prevalence. P-values from t-tests = differences between immigrant groups and the general Finnish population. Bolded P-values (<0·05) represent statistically significant differences.

Education (in any country): less than high school = had not received formal school education or attended either primary school or the equivalent/part of primary school and secondary school or equivalent/part of junior high school; high school or equivalent = completed high school or part of high school or an equivalent school. (None of Finnish and Russian men and women reported no educational attainment.)

Excess alcohol consumption: no = AUDIT <6 points for men and <5 points for women; yes = AUDIT ≥6 points for men and ≥5 points for women. (None of Somali men and women reported excess alcohol consumption.)


Physically activity: inactive = mainly non-strenuous activities such as reading and watching TV; moderately active = moderately strenuous activities such as walking, biking or light gardening; highly active = strenuous activities such as fitness training or competitive sports several hours a week. NA = not applicable (too few observations for statistical analysis in the cell ‘yes’ for smoking and alcohol consumption). Missing information: for Russians – education (n 5), smoking (n 4), alcohol consumption (n 17), physical activity (n 4), use of vitamin D supplements (n 13); for Somalis – education (n 17), smoking (n 22), alcohol consumption (n 50), physical activity (n 50), use of vitamin D supplements (n 53); for Kurds – education (n 10), BMI (n 4), smoking (n 9), alcohol consumption (n 25), physical activity (n 11), use of vitamin D supplements (n 28); for Finns – education (n 10), BMI (n 2), smoking (n 11), alcohol consumption (n 17), physical activity (n 14), use of vitamin D supplements (n 19). Maamu, Migrant Health and Wellbeing Study.