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. 2019 Dec 20;23(5):782–794. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019003409

Table 1.

Wild edible plants commonly consumed according to focus group discussions, Sidi Bouzid governorate, Tunisia, 2014

Botanical family Scientific name Vernacular name English name Plant part consumed Period of availability Consumption mode/preparations Remark
Alliaceae Allium baeticum Boiss. korath wild leek leaves, bulb, flowers January to March kesra bread, couscous, kneff, stuffed tripe abundance decreasing
Allium roseum L. yazoul, gazoul, azoul wild garlic leaves, bulb November to April couscous, kneff *, rice dish, kesra bread abundance decreasing
flowers March and April couscous, rice dish
Amaranthaceae Beta macrocarpa Guss. selg arbi wild swiss chard leaves December to March couscous, stew, soup abundance decreasing
Apiaceae Anethum graveolens L. and besbes arbi dill and fennel young leaves February to June kneff, couscous, rice dish, stuffed tripe wild and semi-domesticated
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. seeds June bsissa , infusion abundance increasing
Asphodeliaceae Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav. tazia onionweed leaves December to March couscous
Asteraceae Centaurea bimorpha Viv. boulaâlaâ, b’laâlaâ leaves December to April couscous, kneff abundance decreasing
Cynara cardunculus L. khorchof wild cardoon leaf petiole and rachis all year couscous, stew abundance stable
Launaea quercifolia L. and zarset azouza leaves January to March raw abundance decreasing
Launaea nudicaulis L.
Onopordum arenarium (Desf.) Pomel and bokk cotton thistle collar, stalk November to August couscous, stew abundance stable
Silybum eburneum Coss. & Durieu milk thistle capitulum raw
seeds bsissa
Scolymus hispanicus Desf. bouhaliba, holliba Spanish oyster thistle base of stem December to March couscous, stew abundance decreasing
Scorzonera undulata subsp. undulata Vahl chtel, guiz leaves January to March raw, couscous, kneff
flowers April and May raw
guiz fleshy root March to June raw
Sonchus oleraceus L. tifef common sow thistle leaves, young stalks January to March raw
Brassicaceae Brassica tournefortii Gouan. lebsen Asian mustard young leaves December to March raw, couscous, kneff
Diplotaxis erucoides L. and harra wall-rocket leaves September to April couscous, stew, kneff, soup, salad (raw)
Diplotaxis harra Forssk. and
Diplotaxis muralis subsp. simplex L.
Chenopodiaceae Atriplex halimus L. g’taf Mediterranean saltbush leaves winter and spring couscous, kneff
Malvaceae Malva aegyptia L. khobizza malva leaves December to April stew
Pinaceae Pinus halepensis Mill. zgougou Aleppo pine seeds seeds November to April assida dessert wild and domesticated
Polygonaceae Rumex roseus var. eu tingitanus L. homidha (jbal) dock leaves January to May raw
Rumex roseus var. lacirus L. homidha
Rhamnaceae Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. n’bag jujube fruit (drupe) August and September raw (fresh or dried)

kneff is a vegetarian couscous where the vegetable is mixed with the semolina.

kesra is a traditional flatbread made with durum wheat.

bsissa is a mixture of cereals (usually ground durum wheat) and legumes with spices (fennel, fenugreek or cumin seeds), used as a beverage (with water or milk, and sugar or honey) or as a paste (with added olive oil).