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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 May 22.
Published in final edited form as: Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jan 28;30(5):4275–4281. doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06688-7


Characteristics of non-medical non-tobacco substance use documentation from electronic health record chart review of current cigarette smokers (N=176)

N (%)

Non-tobacco substance use (SU) was documented in health record
 Yes 121/176 (69%)
 No 55/176 (31%)
Type of non-tobacco SU documenteda
 Alcohol 116/176 (66%)
  Patient endorsed use 76/176 (43%)
  Patient denied use 36/176 (20%)
  Unknown/not listed in chart 4/176 (2%)
 Cannabis 5/176 (3%)
  Patient endorsed 4/176 (2%)
  Patient denied or unknown 1/176 (< 1%)
 Opioids 4/176 (2%)
  Patient endorsed 2/176 (1%)
  Patient denied 1/176 (< 1%)
  Unknown/not listed 1/176 (< 1%)
 Other (e.g., “other drugs,” “illicit,” “drug abuse,” “IVDU”)b 43/176 (24%)
  Patient endorsed use 4/176 (2%)
  Patient denied use 33/43 (77%)
  Unknown/not listed 6/176 (3%)
Number of non-tobacco substances documented
 1 74/176 (42%)
 2 42/176 (24%)
 3 or 4 5/176 (3%)
Among those with SU documented 121/176 (69%)
 Who documented SU
  Physician 102/121 (84%)
  Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner 12/121 (10%)
  Nurse 5/121 (4%)
  Other (i.e., social worker, dietician) 2/121 (2%)
 Note type where SU documented
  Consultation note 52/121 (43%)
  Progress note 68/121 (56%)
  Inpatient/hospitalist 1/121 (1%)
 Note section where SU documented
  Social history 102/121 (84%)
  Past medical history 6/121 (5%)
  Habits/risk factors 7/121 (6%)
  Interval history 2/121 (2%)
  Psychiatric/behavioral health 1/121 (1%)
  History of present illness 1/121 (1%)
  Medical problems 2/121 (2%)
Follow-up plan documented for SU 4/121 (3%)
 Where documented
  Plan section 3/121 (75%)
  Attending addendum 1/121 (25%)

Providers could document multiple substances of use for a single patient; thus, SU types are not mutually exclusive categories


Providers documented the following other substance use: “drug use, illicits”; “illicit substances”; “illic- its”; “IVDA/IVDU”; “drug abuse”; “drug use”; “drug use, IV drug use”; “drugs”; “other drugs”; “past narcotic”; “recreational drugs”; “substance use history”