Figure 1 -. Search strategies. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, 2022.
Data base | Search strategy |
LILACS * (strategy in Portuguese, Spanish and English) Scopus †, Web of Science ‡, CINAHL §, Embase || (only the strategy in English) | ((“Terapia assistida por computador” OR “intervenção digital” OR “intervenção baseada na Web” OR “Intervenção Baseada em Internet” OR “Intervenção Online” OR “Intervenção da Internet” OR “Terapia por exercício” OR “Exercício Terapêutico” OR “Exercício de Reabilitação” OR “saúde digital” OR “Ciber Saúde” OR “Ciber-Saúde” OR Cibersaúde OR “e-Saúde” OR “eSaúde” OR “Medicina 2.0” OR “mSaúde” OR “Saúde 2.0” OR “Saúde Conectada” OR “Saúde Digital” OR “Saúde Eletrônica” OR “Saúde Móvel” OR “Saúde Onipresente” OR “Saúde Pervasiva” OR “Saúde Ubíqua” OR Telemedicina OR “Tele-Serviços em Saúde” OR Teleassistência OR telecuidado OR Telecura OR Telessaúde OR “Telesserviços de Saúde” OR “Telesserviços em Saúde” OR “Telesserviços na Saúde” OR “uSaúde” OR internet OR telerreabilitação OR “Reabilitação à Distância” OR “aplicativo móvel” OR “Aplicativos Eletrônicos Portáteis” OR “Aplicativos de Software Portáteis” OR “Aplicativos em Dispositivos Móveis” OR “Aplicativos para Dispositivos Móveis” OR “Apps Móveis” OR “Aplicativos Móveis” OR “telefones celulares” OR Smartphone OR Smartfone OR Smartfones OR “Telefone Celular Inteligente” OR “Telefone Inteligente” OR “Telefone Móvel Inteligente” OR “Telefones Celulares Inteligentes” OR “Telefones Inteligentes” OR “Telefones Móveis Inteligente” OR “Terapia assistida por computador”) AND (“Manejo da dor” OR Autocuidado OR “Auto gerenciamento” OR “Auto Gerenciamento” OR “Auto Gestão” OR “AutoGerenciamento” OR “Auto-Gestão” OR Autogerenciamento OR Autogestão) AND (“distúrbios musculoesqueléticos de coluna” OR Cervicalgia OR “Dor Cervical” OR “Dor na Nuca” OR “Dor no Pescoço” OR “dor dorsal” OR “dor lombar” OR Lombalgia OR Lumbago OR “dor nas costas” OR Dorsopatia)) OR ((“Terapia assistida por computador” OR Internet OR “Intervención basada en la Internet” OR “terapia por ejercicio” OR “Ejercicio Terapéutico” OR “Ejercicio de Rehabilitación” OR Telemedicina OR “Medicina 2.0” OR “Ciber Salud” OR “Ciber-Salud” OR Cibersalud OR eSalud OR mSalud OR “Salud 2.0” OR “Salud Conectada” OR “Salud Digital” OR “Salud Electrónica” OR “Salud Móvil” OR “Salud Mueble” OR “Salud Omnipresente” OR “Salud Pervasiva” OR “Salud Ubicua” OR Teleasistencia OR Telecuidado OR Telecura OR Telesalud OR “Teleservicios de Salud” OR “Teleservicios Sanitarios” OR “uSalud” OR telerreabilitación OR Telerehabilitación OR “aplicación movil” OR “Aplicaciones Móviles” OR “Aplicaciones Electrónicas Portátiles” OR “Aplicaciones de Software Portátiles” OR “Teléfonos celulares” OR “Teléfono Inteligente” OR Smartfone OR Smartfones OR Smartphone OR Smartphones OR “Teléfono Celular Inteligente” OR “Teléfono Móvil Inteligente” OR “Teléfonos Celulares Inteligentes” OR “Teléfonos Inteligentes” OR “Teléfonos Móviles Inteligentes”) AND (“Manejo del dolor” OR Autocuidado OR Automanejo) AND (“trastornos musculoesqueléticos espinales” OR “Dolor de Espalda” OR “Dolor de la región lumbar” OR “Dolor de cuello” OR “Cuello Doloroso” OR “Dolor Cervical” OR Lombalgia OR Lumbago)) OR ((“Computer Assisted Therapy” OR “Computer-Assisted Therapies” OR “Computer-Assisted Therapy” OR “digital intervention” OR “Web-based Interventions” OR “Internet-Based Intervention” OR “Internet-Based Interventions” OR “Web-based Intervention” OR “Web based Intervention” OR “Online Intervention” OR “Online Interventions” OR “Internet Intervention” OR “Internet Interventions” OR “Exercise therapy” OR “Remedial Exercise” OR “Remedial Exercises” OR “Exercise Therapies” OR “Rehabilitation Exercise” OR “Rehabilitation Exercises” OR “Telemedicine” OR “e-Health” OR “Connected Health” OR “Digital Health” OR “eHealth” OR “Health 2.0” OR “Health Tele-Services” OR “Health Teleservices” OR “Medicine 2.0” OR “mHealth” OR “mHealth Alliance” OR “Mobile Health” OR “Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare” OR “Pervasive Health” OR “Telecare” OR “Telecure” OR “Telehealth” OR “Teleservices in the Health Sector” OR “u-Health” OR “Ubiquitous Health” OR “Internet” OR “Telerehabilitation” OR “Telehabilitation” OR “Telerehabilitations” OR “Tele-rehabilitation” OR “Tele rehabilitation” OR “Tele-rehabilitations” OR “Remote Rehabilitation” OR “Remote Rehabilitations” OR “Virtual Rehabilitation” OR “Virtual Rehabilitations” OR “Mobile Applications” OR “Mobile App” OR “Mobile Application” OR “Mobile Apps” OR “Portable Electronic App” OR “Portable Electronic Application” OR “Portable Electronic Applications” OR “Portable Electronic Apps” OR “Portable Software App” OR “Portable Software Application” OR “Portable Software Applications” OR “Portable Software Apps” OR “Smartphone” OR “Mobile Phone” OR “Smart Phone” OR “Smart Phones” OR “Smartphones” OR “Smartphone” OR “Mobile Phone” OR “Smart Phone” OR “Smart Phones” OR “Smartphones”) AND (“Pain Management” OR “Pain Managements” OR “Self Care” OR “SelfCare” OR “Self Management” OR “Self-Management”) AND (“spinal musculoskeletal disorders” OR “neck pain” OR “Neck Ache” OR “Neck Aches” OR “Cervicalgia” OR “Cervicalgias” OR “Cervicodynia” OR “Cervicodynias” OR “Neckache” OR “Neckaches” OR “Cervical Pain” OR “Cervical Pains” OR “low back pain” OR “Back Pains” OR “Lumbago” OR “back pain” OR “Backache” OR “Backaches” OR “Back Ache” OR “Back Aches” OR “Vertebrogenic Pain Syndrome” OR “Vertebrogenic Pain Syndromes”)) |
PubMed¶ | ((“Therapy, Computer-Assisted”[Mesh] OR “Computer Assisted Therapy” [Title/Abstract] OR “Computer-Assisted Therapies”[Title/Abstract] OR “Computer-Assisted Therapy”[Title/Abstract] OR “digital intervention” [Title/Abstract] OR “Internet-Based Intervention”[Mesh] OR “Web-based Interventions”[Title/Abstract] OR “Internet-Based Intervention” [Title/Abstract] OR “Internet-Based Interventions”[Title/Abstract] OR “Web-based Intervention”[Title/Abstract] OR “Web based Intervention” [Title/Abstract] OR “Online Intervention”[Title/Abstract] OR “Online Interventions”[Title/Abstract] OR “Internet Intervention” [Title/Abstract] OR “Internet Interventions”[Title/Abstract] OR “Exercise Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Exercise therapy”[Title/Abstract] OR “Remedial Exercise”[Title/Abstract] OR “Remedial Exercises” [Title/Abstract] OR “Exercise Therapies”[Title/Abstract] OR “Rehabilitation Exercise”[Title/Abstract] OR “Rehabilitation Exercises”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telemedicine”[Mesh] OR “Telemedicine” [Title/Abstract] OR “e-Health”[Title/Abstract] OR “Connected Health” [Title/Abstract] OR “Digital Health”[Title/Abstract] OR “eHealth” [Title/Abstract] OR “Health 2.0”[Title/Abstract] OR “Health TeleServices”[Title/Abstract] OR “Health Teleservices”[Title/Abstract] OR “Medicine 2.0”[Title/Abstract] OR “mHealth”[Title/Abstract] OR “mHealth Alliance”[Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile Health”[Title/Abstract] OR “Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare”[Title/Abstract] OR “Pervasive Health”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telecare”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telecure”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telehealth”[Title/Abstract] OR “Teleservices in the Health Sector”[Title/Abstract] OR “u-Health” [Title/Abstract] OR “Ubiquitous Health”[Title/Abstract] OR “Internet” [Title/Abstract] OR “Telerehabilitation”[Mesh] OR “Telerehabilitation” [Title/Abstract] OR “Telehabilitation”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telerehabilitations”[Title/Abstract] OR “Tele-rehabilitation” [Title/Abstract] OR “Tele rehabilitation”[Title/Abstract] OR “Telerehabilitations”[Title/Abstract] OR “Remote Rehabilitation” [Title/Abstract] OR “Remote Rehabilitations”[Title/Abstract] OR “Virtual Rehabilitation”[Title/Abstract] OR “Virtual Rehabilitations” [Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile Applications”[Mesh] OR “Mobile Applications”[Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile App”[Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile Application”[Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile Apps”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Electronic App”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Electronic Application”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Electronic Applications” [Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Electronic Apps”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Software App”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Software Application”[Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Software Applications” [Title/Abstract] OR “Portable Software Apps”[Title/Abstract] OR “Smartphone”[Mesh] OR “Smartphone”[Title/Abstract] OR “Mobile Phone” [Title/Abstract] OR “Smart Phone”[Title/Abstract] OR “Smart Phones” [Title/Abstract] OR “Smartphones”[Title/Abstract]) AND (“Pain Management”[Mesh] OR “Pain Management”[Title/Abstract] OR “Pain Managements”[Title/Abstract] OR “Self Care”[Title/Abstract] OR “SelfCare”[Title/Abstract] OR “Self Management”[Title/Abstract] OR “SelfManagement”[Title/Abstract] OR “Self Care”[Mesh] OR “Self-Management” [Mesh]) AND (“spinal musculoskeletal disorders”[Title/Abstract] OR “Neck Pain”[Mesh] OR “neck pain”[Title/Abstract] OR “Neck Ache” [Title/Abstract] OR “Neck Aches”[Title/Abstract] OR “Cervicalgia” [Title/Abstract] OR “Cervicalgias”[Title/Abstract] OR “Cervicodynia” [Title/Abstract] OR “Cervicodynias”[Title/Abstract] OR “Neckache” [Title/Abstract] OR “Neckaches”[Title/Abstract] OR “Cervical Pain” [Title/Abstract] OR “Cervical Pains”[Title/Abstract] OR “Low Back Pain”[Mesh] OR “low back pain”[Title/Abstract] OR “Back Pains” [Title/Abstract] OR “Lumbago”[Title/Abstract] OR “Back Pain”[Mesh] OR “back pain”[Title/Abstract] OR “Backache”[Title/Abstract] OR “Backaches”[Title/Abstract] OR “Back Ache”[Title/Abstract] OR “Back Aches”[Title/Abstract] OR “Vertebrogenic Pain Syndrome” [Title/Abstract] OR “Vertebrogenic Pain Syndromes”[Title/Abstract])) |
PEDro ** | Digital Intervention AND Back Pain |
LILACS = Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud
Scopus = SciVerse Scopus
Web of Science = Science Citation Indexes
CINAHL = Cummulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Embase = Excerpta Médica dataBASE
PubMed = US National Library of Medicine
PEDro = Physiotherapy Evidence Database