Fig 5. The effect of the RXR motif on substrate methylation by human PRMT7.
The methylation activity of GST-HsPRMT7 with Hs H2B (23–37), mono R, and RGR peptide substrates was assessed using the P81 phosphocellulose paper assay as described in Materials and Methods. 5 μg of GST-HsPRMT7 was incubated with 10 μM of the indicated substrate and 0.14 μM [3H]-AdoMet for 20 h at 4°C. Statistical significance was determined via Student’s t-test. All reactions indicated were run in triplicate. Hs H2B (23–37), H. sapiens histone H2B (23–37) peptide; mono R, Ac-KKGGRGGGGKKY-amide; RGR, Ac-KKGGRGRGGKKY-amide.