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. 2023 Jun;29(6):1215–1219. doi: 10.3201/eid2906.230103

Table. Characteristics of exposed persons monitored and tested for influenza A(H5) virus after exposure to highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus–infected birds, United States, February 7–September 3, 2022*.

Characteristic Met jurisdiction-level active monitoring criteria Completed 10-day monitoring period Tested through surveillance Expressed interest in asymptomatic and symptomatic serologic surveillance
4,351 (100)
3,658 (100)
154 (100)
26 (100)
Demographic characteristics
Median age (range), y 40 (0.5–79) 40.5 (9–73)
M 13 (50)

13 (50)

134 (93)
11 (42)

Exposure category
Farm worker or owner and other nonresponders 1,219 (28) 1,114 (30) 36 (27)‡
Responders§ 2,072 (48) 1,839 (50) 76 (57)‡
Other, e.g., wildlife, veterinarian, laboratorian 87 (2) 86 (2) 22 (16)‡
Unknown 973 (22) 619 (17) 0‡

*Values are no. (%) except as indicated. †Having >1 symptoms compatible with A(H5) infection: fever or feeling feverish or chills; cough; sore throat; runny or stuffy nose; eye tearing, redness, irritation (pink eye); sneezing; difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; fatigue (feeling very tired); muscle or body aches; headaches; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; seizures; or rash. Ten exposed but asymptomatic persons and 10 persons without symptom history available had respiratory specimens collected under their jurisdiction’s discretion or in conjunction with follow-up to the single human case detected. ‡Exposure category information only collected through surveillance for persons who reported being symptomatic. §Defined as persons responsible for performing response activities such as culling, cleaning, and decontaminating infected premises.