Figure 5.
Total food consumption, energy balance and transport of exogenous leptin into the brain. Total food intake time plot of male (A) and female (C) End.LepR-WT and End.LepR-KO mice (n = 3 per group) recorded in metabolic cages in 12 h day–night repeated cycles. Mice were fed standard laboratory diet (SD) for 7 days followed by a switch to high-fat diet (HFD) for additional 7 days. Summary of total food consumed over a duration of 14 days for male (B) and female (D) End.LepR-WT and End.LepR-KO mice. Time plot of total energy balance before and after diet switch from SD to HFD in male (E) and female (F) End.LepR-WT and End.LepR-KO mice. (G) Representative fluorescence microscopy images of cryo-embedded brain sections of End.LepR-WT and End.LepR-KO mice, i.p. injected with rhodamine-labeled leptin (red) and i.c. injected with FITC-labeled lectin to visualize endothelial cells (green) immunostained for LepR (magenta). DAPI-positive cell nuclei are blue. (H) Summary of the quantitative analysis of the rhodamine leptin-positive area per total area of 40 × microscopic fields. **p = 0.01, as determined using Student’s t test.