Overexpression of IκB⍺ suppresses target gene expression. (A) Heatmap representation of gene expression of clonal cell lines in response to TNF⍺ treatment, as determined by Nanostring gene expression assay. N = 2/time/cell line. Expression is normalised to five housekeeping genes and internal control probes, then scaled to average gene expression level. (B) Normalised Nanostring counts for selected genes from (A), mean±error. (C) Example images showing smRNA-FISH detection of target gene transcripts in cell lines after 130 min TNF⍺ treatment. Scale bar = 20 µm. (D) Quantification of ICAM1 transcripts by smRNA-FISH in cell lines before and after treatment with TNF⍺ for 130 min. N = 90–300 cells/condition, imaged over six independent experiments. Two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison correction. (E) Quantification of ICAM1 protein expression before and after treatment with TNF⍺ for 230 min.