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. 2023 May 9;11:1153136. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1153136

Table 6.

Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis of the HCWs' odds ratios of supporting vaccinations against monkeypox disease.

Do you want to receive the monkeypox vaccine p-value Non-adjusted odds ratio (OR) Lower Upper p-value Multivariate adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) 95% C.I.for EXP(B) Upper
No Yes Lower
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Sex Female 1,038 26.9% 1,133 29.4%
Male 716 18.6% 969 25.1% 0.001 1.240 1.091 1.409 0.000 1.396 1.168 1.668
Ageo < 20 189 4.9% 262 6.8% 0.008 0.004
21–30 1,372 35.6% 1,634 42.4% 0.137 0.859 0.703 1.050 0.173 0.807 0.593 1.098
31–40 140 3.6% 120 3.1% 0.002 0.618 0.455 0.841 0.130 0.689 0.426 1.115
41–50 34 0.9% 68 1.8% 0.112 1.443 0.918 2.268 0.021 2.362 1.136 4.911
51–60 13 0.3% 13 0.3% 0.418 0.721 0.327 1.591 0.602 0.764 0.277 2.103
>60 4 0.1% 5 0.1% 0.879 0.902 0.239 3.403 0.729 0.777 0.187 3.224
Marital state Not married 1,409 36.5% 1,698 44.0%
Married 345 8.9% 404 10.5% 0.725 0.972 0.828 1.140 0.382 0.901 0.713 1.139
Working hospital type Primary healthcare center 711 18.4% 858 22.3% 0.950 0.449
Secondary care hospital 514 13.3% 620 16.1% 0.996 1.000 0.857 1.165 0.962 1.005 0.816 1.238
Tertiary care hospital 529 13.7% 624 16.2% 0.770 0.977 0.839 1.139 0.272 0.889 0.722 1.096
Experience duration < 5 years 928 38.3% 1,126 46.4%
More than 5 years 163 6.7% 209 8.6% 0.627 1.057 0.846 1.320 0.522 0.901 0.655 1.240
Have you been previously diagnosed with COVID-19? yes 541 14.0% 834 21.6%
No 1,213 31.5% 1,268 32.9% 0.000 0.678 0.593 0.775 0.000 0.642 0.534 0.773
Healthcare workers should apply more infection control measures than the current ones, with the new Monkeypox outbreaks Agree 1,296 33.6% 1,773 46.0% 0.000 0.000
Neither agree nor disagree 293 7.6% 243 6.3% 0.000 0.606 0.504 0.729 0.001 0.627 0.479 0.820
Disagree 165 4.3% 86 2.2% 0.000 0.381 0.291 0.499 0.000 0.408 0.288 0.579
Households' monthly income Bad 130 3.4% 118 3.1% 0.000 0.003
Moderate 944 24.5% 993 25.8% 0.275 1.159 0.889 1.510 0.096 1.348 0.948 1.917
Good 530 13.7% 811 21.0% 0.000 1.686 1.284 2.213 0.013 1.586 1.102 2.283
Excellent 150 3.9% 180 4.7% 0.098 1.322 0.950 1.839 0.001 2.121 1.359 3.311
After receiving this survey, did you perceive the need to read more about monkeypox disease? No 466 12.1% 216 5.6%
Yes 1,288 33.4% 1,886 48.9% 0.000 3.159 2.649 3.768 0.000 3.068 2.427 3.877
Gad7 Don't have 1,360 35.3% 1,520 39.4%
Have anxiety 394 10.2% 582 15.1% 0.000 1.322 1.141 1.531 0.000 1.482 1.222 1.797
Your sources of Information about monkeypox disease Official local statements 112 2.9% 116 3.0% 0.000 0.073
International health authorities' websites (WHO or CDC) 122 3.2% 154 4.0% 0.271 1.219 0.857 1.733 0.565 1.138 0.733 1.765
Social media 602 15.6% 570 14.8% 0.536 0.914 0.688 1.214 0.169 0.777 0.543 1.113
Scientific journals 38 1.0% 48 1.2% 0.435 1.220 0.741 2.008 0.958 1.017 0.545 1.897
Other internet-based sources 207 5.4% 215 5.6% 0.986 1.003 0.727 1.384 0.687 0.919 0.609 1.386
more than one source 673 17.5% 999 25.9% 0.011 1.433 1.086 1.891 0.788 1.049 0.739 1.489
Constant 0.043 0.537

The logistic regression model was statistically significant, X2(23)= 254.087, p = 0.000. Hosmer and Lemeshow test 8.258 (p = 0.408). The model explained 13.3% (Nagelkerke R2) of factors associated with supporting vaccinations against monkeypox disease.