Recipients of fecal material transplantation (FMT) from the Mg2800 diet group were protected in KSIA. A) Timeline, with day 0 being the first day of the FMT (ATB = antibiotic); B) Fecal DNA qPCR for Bacteroidis fragilis (Bfrag) and Eubacteria (Eub) confirming bacteria depletion following antibiotics (D0); C) Arthritis severity scores are significantly decreased in recipients of FMT from Mg2800 diet group (n = 7), compared with the Mg500 group (n = 9); D) Representative histology images showing that recipients of FMT from Mg2800-treated mice preserved near normal structures while recipients from Mg500 transplantation had erosive changes with pronounced synovial hyperplasia, cellular infiltrate and angiogenesis (left panels are lower magnification, and box area are magnified on the right panels; day 12, H&E, size bars = 500 μM and 250 μM); E) Histology scoring revealed significantly reduced synovial inflammation, reduced synovial hyperplasia, and reduced cartilage and bone erosions in recipients (Mg2800: n = 7, Mg500: n = 9; ∗∗p < 0.007).