Experimental paradigm. Participants were seated in front of a screen and received sequences of simultaneously presented bilateral auditory beep stimuli (green), somatosensory electrical pulse stimuli (purple) and visual flash stimuli (orange) each at either low or high intensity. On consecutive trials, stimuli within each modality either repeated the previous stimulus intensity of that modality (standard) or alternated to the other intensity (deviant). This created tri‐modal roving stimulus sequences, where the repetition/alternation probability in each modality was determined by a single probabilistic model (see Section 2.3). In 1% of trials (catch trials) the fixation cross changed to one of the three letters A, T, or V, interrupting the stimulus sequence. The letter prompted participants to indicate whether the last auditory (letter A), somatosensory (letter T for “tactile”) or visual (letter V) stimulus, respectively, was of high or low intensity. Responses were given with a left or right foot pedal press using the right foot.