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. 2023 May 11;19(5):e1010526. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010526

Fig 2. The InR/PI3K/Akt pathway is required for v’ada neuron dendrite regrowth, but not the Rag complex or E75/UNF.

Fig 2

AD UNF and E75 are not required for dendrite regrowth. Images show ventrolateral c4da neurons (v’ada) expressing the indicated dsRNA constructs at 72 h APF. A Orco control dsRNA. The asterisk denotes an unrelated ldaA-like neuron. B UNF dsRNA. C E75 dsRNA. D Quantification of dendrite length in AC. N = 10–12 neurons per genotype. Values are mean +/- S.D., n. s., not significant, Mann-Whitney U test. EH The raG complex is not required for dendrite regrowth. E Orco control dsRNA. F Rag A-B dsRNA. G Rag C-D dsRNA. H Quantification of dendrite length in EG. N = 10–12 neurons per genotype. Values are mean +/- S.D., n. s., not significant, Mann-Whitney U test. IP Requirement for the InR/PI3K/Akt1 pathway during dendrite regrowth. Shown are ventrolateral c4da neurons (v’ada) expressing either Cas9P2 and the indicated sgRNA constructs or the indicated dsRNA constructs at 72 h APF. I Control neuron expressing Cas9P2. J Akt1 sgRNA #1. K Akt1 sgRNA #2. L PI3K92E sgRNA. M Orco control dsRNA. N PI3K92E dsRNA. O PDK1 dsRNA #1. P InR dsRNA. Q Quantification of dendrite lengths in J—Q. N = 12–21 neurons per genotype. Values are mean +/- S.D., **** p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney U test. The scale bar in A is 50 μm.