High-fat diet (HFD) feeding induces tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) activation. A, Diagram of experimental design. HFD feeding started at the beginning of a dark cycle. Hypothalami were dissected before HFD feeding (chow-fed) or 3, 12, or 28 hours after HFD feeding. B and C, Immunoblotting analysis and quantification of TrkB activation in hypothalami of female wild-type (WT) mice fed HFD for various lengths of time. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey multiple comparison test: ns, no significance, *P less than .05, **P less than .01, and ***P less than .001. D and E, Immunoblotting analysis and quantification of TrkB activation in hypothalami of female WT mice that were fed HFD for 12 hours. **P less than .01 by unpaired t test. F and G, Immunoblotting analysis and quantification of TrkB activation in hypothalami of female BdnfMet/Met mice that were fed HFD for 12 hours. **P less than .01 by unpaired t test. All data are shown as mean ± SEM.