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. 2023 May 2;9(5):e15899. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15899

Table 2.

Evaluation of ecological well-being of the farms.

S·N. Design principles Farms that have implemented the preceding principles
Earth care
1. Observe and interact Farm's design and management are based on careful observation and interaction with nature SOF, OG, GTF
2. Catch and store energy Farm's energy requirements are met through on-site capture and storage OG
3. Obtain a Yield Food produced on the farm meets the farm's dietary needs SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback Farm's practices are shaped by natural feedback OG, SOF
5. Use and value renewable resources and services Renewable resources and services are employed with an eye toward their long-term impact SOF, OG, GTF
6. Produce no waste Waste is reused OG, SOF
7. Design from pattern to details Design and management of the farm take natural patterns into account SOF, OG, GTF
8. - Integrate rather than segregate Farm's elements and functions are carefully integrated SOF, OG, GTF
9. Use small and slow solutions Small, and slow solutions are employed when making changes to the landscape design OG, SOF
10. - Use and value diversity Farm is designed to increase and value species diversity SOF, OG, GTF
11. Use edges and value the marginal Landscape is designed to maximize edges and margins, where different types of land meet SOF
12. Creatively use and respond to change Landscape design also allows for flexibility and adaptability OG, GTF
People care
1. Observe and interact Farm seeks to foster good relationships with its neighbours SOF, OG
2. Catch and store energy Inputs for the farm are produced locally SOF, OG
3. Obtain a yield Farm's food is grown without chemical inputs SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback Social and community feedback prompts changes in behaviour SOF, OG, GTF
5. Use and value renewable resources and services Renewable community resources and services are used with an eye toward their long-term impact SOF, OG
6. Produce no waste Waste is not sent to landfills SOF, OG
7. Design from patterns to details Farm seeks broader community input in making design decisions SOF, OG
8. Integrate rather than segregate Farm is open to the public, and partnerships are sought with other organizations SOF, OG, GTF
9. Use small and slow solutions Community works collectively to resolve local issues SOF, OG
10. Use and value diversity Respect is shown for people's choices related to ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion, and culture SOF, OG, GTF
11. Use edges and value the marginal Socially progressive marginalized movements are valued SOF, OG, GTF
12. Creatively use and respond to change Action is taken to address social crises and solve problems in the community. OG
Fair share
1. Observe and interact Recognizing and responding to limits on production and consumption
2. Catch and store energy Farm inputs are generated on-site OG, SOF
3. Obtain a yield Income is generated through on-site activities SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback Fair share is employed in the consumption and distribution of resources OG
5. Use and value renewable resources and services Money is not spent on non-renewable resources OG, SOF
6. Produce no waste Waste is viewed as a resource OG, SOF
7. Design from patterns to details Integrated systems are used to optimize productivity and efficiency SOF, OG, GTF
8. Integrate rather than segregate Farm seeks to integrate its production with other local farms OG
9. Use small and slow solutions Ecological management is employed to solve production problems rather than resorting to the use of chemicals OG, SOF
10. Use and value diversity Diversity of income streams is generated on the farm SOF, OG, GTF
11. Use edges and value the marginal Gaps in the market are considered when deciding which product streams to invest in SOF, GTF
12. Creatively use and respond to change Creative problem-solving is employed to address production flow issues SOF, OG, GTF

SOF: Sotang Organic Farm; OG: Organic Ghar; GTF: Gandaki Trout Farm.