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. 2022 May 10;226(10):1809–1822. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiac196

Table 3.

Mediation Analysis Results Considering the Presence of Coronary Calcium and Coronary Plaque

Proteins Direct Effect of ASCVD Indirect Effect of ASCVD
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P Proportion Mediated, %
Presence of coronary calcium
TNFSF13B 1.024 (1.017–1.030) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.002) .084 2.600
LTBR 1.024 (1.017–1.030) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.002) .088 2.740
IL-18BP 1.024 (1.017–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .016 4.650
TNF-R1 1.023 (1.016–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .002 5.711
IGFBP-7 1.022 (1.015–1.028) <.0001 1.002 (1.001–1.005) .002 9.396
PLC 1.023 (1.017–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .024 4.844
NCR1 1.026 (1.020–1.032) <.0001 0.999 (.997–1.000) .010 −5.476
PGF 1.023 (1.016–1.029) <.0001 1.002 (1.001–1.004) .004 8.225
TNFRSF4 1.025 (1.018–1.030) <.0001 1.000 (.999–1.001) .694 0.639
CST3 1.023 (1.015–1.029) <.0001 1.002 (1.000–1.004) .012 7.501
VCAM1 1.025 (1.018–1.031) <.0001 1.000 (.998–1.001) .642 0.993
NRP1 1.024 (1.017–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .128 4.381
AOC3 1.025 (1.018–1.031) <.0001 0.999 (.998–1.001) .376 1.876
OSMR 1.025 (1.018–1.030) <.0001 1.000 (.999–1.001) .782 0.597
DCN 1.023 (1.016–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .016 5.527
GDF-15 1.021 (1.014–1.027) <.0001 1.003 (1.001–1.006) .002 12.578
REG1A 1.024 (1.018–1.030) <.0001 1.001 (.999–1.002) .290 2.112
ST2 1.023 (1.016–1.029) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .018 5.224
SERPINA5 1.024 (1.018–1.030) <.0001 1.000 (1.000–1.001) .358 1.102
CCL24 1.025 (1.019–1.030) <.0001 1.000 (.998–1.001) .778 0.656
IL-6RA 1.026 (1.019–1.032) <.0001 0.999 (.998–1.000) .094 3.559
CCL23 1.025 (1.018–1.031) <.0001 1.000 (.999–1.001) .968 0.084
MEPE 1.025 (1.019–1.031) <.0001 0.999 (.998–1.000) .098 2.786
Presence of coronary plaque
TNFSF13B 1.031 (1.021–1.040) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .064 3.305
LTBR 1.032 (1.021–1.041) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .082 3.576
IL-18BP 1.031 (1.021–1.040) <.0001 1.002 (1.000–1.004) .016 4.685
TNF-R1 1.030 (1.020–1.040) <.0001 1.002 (1.001–1.004) .002 6.763
IGFBP-7 1.029 (1.018–1.039) <.0001 1.003 (1.001–1.006) <.0001 9.519
PLC 1.031 (1.021–1.040) <.0001 1.002 (1.001–1.004) <.0001 5.944
NCR1 1.035 (1.024–1.043) <.0001 0.998 (.997–1.000) .010 −4.416
PGF 1.029 (1.019–1.038) <.0001 1.003 (1.001–1.006) <.0001 10.291
TNFRSF4 1.033 (1.023–1.042) <.0001 1.000 (.998–1.001) .694 0.724
CST3 1.030 (1.019–1.039) <.0001 1.003 (1.001–1.005) <.0001 8.152
VCAM1 1.033 (1.022–1.042) <.0001 1.000 (.999–1.001) .674 0.512
NRP1 1.032 (1.021–1.041) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .144 2.777
AOC3 1.033 (1.022–1.043) <.0001 0.999 (.998–1.001) .376 1.704
OSMR 1.033 (1.022–1.042) <.0001 1.000 (.999–1.001) .786 0.370
DCN 1.031 (1.021–1.040) <.0001 1.002 (1.000–1.003) .028 4.473
GDF-15 1.029 (1.018–1.038) <.0001 1.003 (1.001–1.006) .008 10.315
REG1A 1.032 (1.022–1.041) <.0001 1.001 (.999–1.002) .296 1.777
ST2 1.031 (1.020–1.041) <.0001 1.001 (1.000–1.003) .030 3.917
SERPINA5 1.032 (1.022–1.041) <.0001 1.001 (.999–1.002) .314 1.896
CCL24 1.033 (1.023–1.041) <.0001 1.000 (.998–1.001) .782 0.454
IL-6RA 1.034 (1.023–1.043) <.0001 0.999 (.997–1.000) .100 2.679
CCL23 1.033 (1.023–1.042) <.0001 1.000 (.998–1.002) .968 0.085
MEPE 1.035 (1.025–1.043) <.0001 0.998 (.996–1.000) .014 −5.565

Proteins that significantly mediate the effects of ASCVD risk are shown in bold.

Abbreviations: ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.