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. 2023 May 23;13:8342. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33743-6

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of study participants.

TC level before T2D diagnosis (mg/dL) Low (< 180 mg/dL) Middle (180–240 mg/dL) High (≥ 240 mg/dL)
TC level after T2D diagnosis (mg/dL) Low Middle High Low Middle High Low Middle High
Number of subjects, n (%) 3681 (65.2) 1815 (32.2) 148 (2.6) 4367 (32.9) 7662 (57.7) 1245 (9.4) 1093 (22.3) 2395 (48.8) 1415 (28.9)
Age, years, mean (SD) 61.1 (9.3) 60.5 (9.2) 59.0 (9.1) 59.7 (8.7) 59.3 (8.9) 59.9 (9.1) 59.2 (8.2) 59.4 (8.9) 59.0 (8.7)
Sex, %
 Men 74 65 52 67 63 53 55 56 49
 Women 26 35 48 33 37 48 46 44 51
Socioeconomic status, %
 1st quartile (lowest) 16 14 16 15 15 16 14 16 18
 2nd quartile 21 23 21 20 20 25 20 21 22
 3rd quartile 30 30 34 29 29 30 30 29 32
 4th quartile (highest) 35 33 29 36 36 30 36 34 28
BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD) 24.5 (3.1) 24.8 (3.1) 25.7 (3.4) 24.9 (3.1) 25.1 (3.1) 25.3 (3.0) 25.1 (3.0) 25.2 (2.9) 25.3 (3.1)
Smoking status, %
 Non-smoker 78 78 10 79 78 83 82 80 80
 Smoker 22 22 20 22 22 17 18 20 20
Alcohol consumption, per week, %
 0 55 57 62 56 56 62 60 60 63
 < 1 15 16 14 16 16 14 15 14 14
 1–2 15 12 12 14 15 12 13 14 11
 3–4 9 10 9 10 9 8 8 8 8
 ≥ 5 6 6 3 5 5 4 4 4 4
Physical activity, per week, %
 0 47 50 58 46 48 53 44 49 51
 1–2 23 24 20 24 25 22 25 25 25
 3–4 15 13 13 15 14 13 15 13 13
 5–6 6 6 4 7 5 5 7 5 4
 7 8 8 5 8 8 8 9 8 7
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD) 127.6 (15.8) 129.6(15.6) 130.3 (17.2) 127.5 (15.3) 129.1 (15.5) 130.8 (16.7) 126.5 (14.3) 129.3 (15.4) 131.2 (16.8)
Fasting serum glucose, mg/dL, mean (SD) 126.4 (44.1) 129.8 (44.4) 136.0 (55.7) 122.6 (37.2) 129.0 (42.0) 137.5 (49.9) 121.2 (36.6) 127.8 (40.7) 139.0 (49.1)
Aspartate transaminase, U/L (SD) 30.5 (23.5) 29.7 (17.2) 33.3 (27.6) 28.5 (20.1) 28.3 (17.1) 30.0 (24.6) 28.2 (14.9) 28.4 (15.9) 29.4 (17.2)
Alanine transaminase, U/L (SD) 30.1 (23.1) 31.0 (22.5) 34.3 (20.1) 30.5 (28.6) 30.4 (22.7) 32.5 (28.9) 31.7 (25.5) 30.3 (21.1) 32.1 (26.5)
Gamma-GTP (SD) 54.5 (91.2) 52.5 (68.4) 66.3 (96.5) 46.0 (58.1) 49.5 (63.6) 56.4 (80.2) 48.2 (61.6) 53.5 (70.7) 61.7 (78.3)
Use of lipid-lowering drugs, %
No 72 76 46 53 70 49 14 43 37
Statin 26 22 53 45 28 50 86 55 62
Others (fibrate, ezetimibe) alone 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
Anti-diabetic medication, %
 Metformin only 19 18 20 20 17 16 21 15 14
 Metformin and sulfonylurea 45 47 45 43 50 52 39 50 52
 Other drugs 36 35 36 38 33 32 40 35 33

TC total cholesterol, T2D type 2 diabetes mellitus, SD standard deviation, n number, BMI body mass index.