Table 1.
Pyrethroid active substances scheduled for assessment in the forthcoming peer review
Esfenvalerate | Renewal peer review is due shortly. An evaluation of the residue definition will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance esfenvalerate. See also fenvalerate. |
Deltamethrin | Currently under renewal peer review. An evaluation of the residue definition will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance deltamethrin. |
Tau‐fluvalinate | Renewal peer review is due shortly. An evaluation of the residue definition will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance tau‐fluvalinate. |
Lambda‐cyhalothrin | Renewal peer review will start shortly (expected in 2023). One of the isomers of lambda‐cyhalothrin is gamma‐cyhalothrin; the residue definition for both compounds should therefore be evaluated together and in the light of the most recent information received. An evaluation of the residue definition will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance lambda‐cyhalothrin. |
Gamma‐cyhalothrin | Gamma‐cyhalothrin is one of the isomers of the substance lambda‐cyhalothrin. The residue definition for both compounds should therefore be evaluated together and in the light of the most recent information received in the context of the forthcoming renewal peer review of lambda‐cyhalothrin. An evaluation of the residue definition, that will necessarily consider gamma‐cyhalothrin as one isomer of lambda‐cyhalothrin, will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance lambda‐cyhalothrin. Furthermore, the review of the existing MLs for gamma‐cyhalothrin according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005is ongoing (initiated on 16 January 2023) and will present the latest risk assessment for this compound in a reasoned opinion. |
Etofenprox | Renewal peer review is due shortly. An evaluation of the residue definition will be presented in the EFSA conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance etofenprox. |