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. 2023 May 16;1162:1–167. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1162.100390
1 Eyes present 2
Eyes absent 10
2 Mouthparts form forward directed cone-like structure under the head, adapted for piercing and sucking 3 [Paranthuridae]
Mouthparts not forming ventral cone-like structure, adapted for biting and chewing 6
3 Pereon composed of 7 distinct, well-developed pereonites with 7 pairs of pereopods; pereonite 7 ca. half as long as pereonite 6 and visible laterally 4
Pereon composed of 6 distinct pereonites with 6 pairs of pereopods (7th pereopods absent); pereonite 7 very short, < 20% as long as pereonite 6, not visible laterally 5
4 Pleonites 1–5 free, not fused; pleonite 5 ca. 3 × longer than other pleonites (Fig. 5A) Paranthuraelegans
Pleonites 1–5 fused mid-dorsally, but distinct laterally; all pleonites of similar length (Fig. 5B) Paranthurajaponica
5 Pleonites 1–5 free, separated from each other by dorsal integumental folds; pleonite 1 ca. 2 × longer than pleonite 2 (Fig. 5D) Colanthurabruscai
Pleonites 1–5 dorsally fused, all pleonites of similar length (Fig. 5C) Califanthurasquamosissima
6 Dorsal surface of pleotelson with median row of spines; uropodal and pleotelsonic margins serratedEndnote 2 Eisothistos sp. A [Expanathuridae]
Dorsal surface of pleotelson smooth or ridged, without spines; uropodal and pleotelsonic margins not serrated 7 [Anthuridae]
7 Pleotelson with 3 raised dorsal longitudinal ridges or carinae; uropodal exopods curve up and over base of pleotelson (Fig. 6C) Haliophasmageminatum
Pleotelson without dorsal ridges or carinae; uropodal exopods may or may not curve up over pleotelson 8
8 Pleonites 1–5 fused only along dorsal midline, segments free laterally and visible dorsally; uropodal exopods ca. half length of endopods and pleotelson, curving up and partially over pleotelson base; uropodal endopods narrow, ca. half as wide as pleotelson (Fig. 6A) Amakusanthuracaliforniensis
Pleonites 1–5 completely fused dorsally; uropodal exopods > 50% length of endopods and pleotelson, may or may not cover the pleotelson dorsally; uropodal endopods broad, subequal in width to pleotelson 9
9 Dorsal surface of pereon pigmented, with complete or nearly complete dark rings on pereonites 2–6 and posterior transverse band on pereonite 7; uropodal exopods partially cover dorsal surface of pleotelson (Fig. 6D) Mesanthuraoccidentalis
Dorsal surface of pereon covered with diffuse pigment splotches, but without pigment rings; uropodal exopods do not cover base of pleotelson (Fig. 6B) Cyathuramunda
10 Uropodal exopods with distinct lateral lobes, exopods overlapping broadly to cover almost entire dorsal surface of pleotelson; uropodal rami nearly reach, but do not exceed, posterior margin of pleotelson; tips of uropodal rami without tufts of stiff setae (Fig. 6F) Kupellonura sp. A [Hyssuridae]
Uropodal exopods without lateral lobes, overlapping only base of pleotelson; uropodal endopod distinctly longer than pleotelson; tips of uropodal rami with tufts of long stiff setae (Fig. 6E) Ananthuraluna [Antheluridae]