1 |
Head with enlarged forceps-like mandibles projecting anteriorly (male gnathiids) |
– |
Head not as above, without projecting mandibles; body often sac-like (female and juvenile gnathiids)Endnote 7
Gnathiidae spp.
2 |
Eyes present, with or without pigment; telson variable in shape |
– |
Eyes absent; frontal margin of head (frons) with 3 central processes, laterals larger than middle process; epimeres single, dorsal, laterally projected; telson distinctly triangular (Fig. 12D) |
3 |
Pleotelson distinctly triangular |
– |
Pleotelson arrowhead or T-shaped with base expanded |
4 |
Pleonal epimeres laterally expanded, highly visible; body with few to numerous setae |
– |
Pleonal epimeres not laterally expanded, barely visible; body with relatively few setae |
5 |
Frontal margin of head forming broad, transverse, minutely crenulated plate (best viewed ventrally); eyes brown to reddish brown; body setosity light, without numerous setae; pleopods without setae (Fig. 12A) |
– |
Frontal margin of head not transverse (lobes or processes present); eyes reddish brown; body not hirsute, but with numerous setae; pleopods with setae |
6 |
Body mottled with brown pigment; frontal margin of head forming centrally extended narrow lobe with crenulations; mandibles split into 2 articlesEndnote 8
Caecognathia sp. A
– |
Body without pigment; frontal margin of head trilobed with 3 central subequal processes; mandibles of single article only (not split into 2 articles) (Fig. 12G) |
7 |
Eyes dark brown, body mottled with brown pigment; frontal margin of head with 3 processes, median process largest and shaped as stepwise pyramid; head with setae and tuberculations (Fig. 12F) |
– |
Eyes reddish brown; body without pigmentation; frontal margin of head with central 3-dimensional expansion in shape of box, with 2 large setae extending outward centrally; head with setae, but lacking tuberculationsEndnote 8
Gnathia sp. MBC1
8 |
Pleotelson distinctly T-shaped |
– |
Pleotelson arrowhead-shaped |
9 |
Eyes sessile, dark brown, lens with tuberculations; body speckled with tiny black dots; frontal margin of head produced into single large lobe; pleopods ovate, paddle-like; body hirsute (Fig. 12B) |
– |
Eyes on distinct ocular peduncles, unpigmented, lens without tuberculations; frontal margin of head with 2 medium–large lateral processes and 4 central subequal processes; pleopods long and narrow; body hirsute (Fig. 12C) |
10 |
Pleonal epimeres double (dorsal and ventral); eyes golden/amber in color; frontal margin of head with 3 central, subequal processes; body with numerous scattered setae, but not hirsute (Fig. 12H) |
– |
Pleonal epimeres single (dorsal only) |
11 |
Eyes golden or amber in color; head with dorsal carina present; frontal margin of head as 1 broad truncate lobe with medial carina; body hirsuteEndnote 8
Caecognathia sp. SD1
– |
Eyes with red and white checkerboard pattern; head without dorsal carina; frontal margin of head with 3 central subequal processes; body not hirsute, but with numerous setae (Fig. 12E) |