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. 2023 May 16;1162:1–167. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1162.100390
1 Body of adult female distinctly segmented with clear division of head (cephalon), thoracic (pereon), and abdominal (pleon) regions 2 [Bopyridae and Ionidae]
Body of adult female sac-like, with at most weak segmentation visible 18 [Dajidae and Hemioniscidae]
2 Adult female body broadly oval; pleon strongly torsioned and reflexed forward over pereon; head without eyes, deeply embedded in pereon, anterior margin covered by oostegites; pleomeres 3–6 fused medially; branchial parasite of deep-water crangonid shrimps of genus Glyphocrangon (Fig. 13B) Bathygygegrandis
Female body not as above, pleon not strongly reflexed over pereon 3
3 Female pleon with pleopods and/or elongated lateral plates (epimeres or pleural lamellae) clearly noticeable in dorsal view 4
Female pleon without pleopods or elongated lateral plates noticeable in dorsal view 12
4 Lateral plates of pleon and/or pleopods conspicuously elongate, foliaceous, or lanceolate, with or without digitated or crenulated margins 5
Lateral plates of pleon and pleopods relatively short, distal margins of pleopods mostly rounded 10
5 Adult female with elongated lateral plates fringed with long, branched processes; branchial parasite of ghost shrimps of genus Neotrypaea (Fig. 13A) Ionecornuta
Adult female with or without lateral plates, but lateral plates not as above if present 6
6 Adult female body nearly oval, with oostegites conspicuously visible dorsally arching over margins of head and pereon; head longer than wide, deeply immersed in pereon, eyes absent; pereomere 6 much longer than other pereo­meres, pereomeres 1–5 concave anteriorly, pereomeres 6 and 7 concave posteriorly; pleon with “triramous appendages” in appearance, but each one consists of a foliaceous lanceolate lateral plate and identical biramous pleopod; branchial parasite of hermit crabs Parapagurodeslaurentae and P.makarovi (Fig. 13C) Anathelgeshyphalus
Adult female body not as above, pereomere 6 subequal in length to other pereomeres; pleon with lateral plates and pleopods not appearing like triramous appendages 7
7 Adult females with pair of dorsolateral papillae on pleomere 1; pleon with long, narrow biramous pleopods arising from thin peduncle or stem on each segment, without lateral plates; head slightly wider than long, bilobate, eyes absent; abdominal parasite of mud shrimps of genus Upogebia (Fig. 13F) Phyllodurusabdominalis
Adult females without dorsolateral papillae on pleomere 1; pleomeres with both elongated lateral plates and pleopods, but morphology of pleopods not as above 8
8 Pleon of adult females enclosed by tentacular-like, elongated lanceolate lateral plates and pleopodal exopods, each with deeply digitate margins, ventral surface covered partially by smaller foliate pleopodal endopods with crenulated margins; head completely embedded in pereon, dorsal surface divided into two large sub-oval lobes, eyes absent; branchial parasite of grapsid crab Pachygrapsuscrassipes (Fig. 13D) Leidyainfelix
Pleon of adult females with lateral plates and pleopods not as above; head not bilobate 9
9 Adult female body ~ 2 × longer than wide, pyriform in shape; head slightly wider than long, eyes absent; coxal plates very large, overlapping, and extending well beyond lateral margins of pereomeres; pleon obscured by prominent ovate lateral plates and long, biramous lanceolate pleopods; branchial parasite of pelagic galatheid “red crab” Pleuroncodesplanipes (Fig. 13E) Munidionpleuroncodis
Adult female body slightly longer than wide; head subcircular, eyes absent; coxal plates prominent but not widely extended on pereomeres 1–4; lateral edges on convex side of pereomeres 5–7 produced into slender points reflexed back over dorsum; pleomeres 1–5 with dentate-margined lanceolate lateral plates and similar biramous pleopods; branchial parasite of hermit crab Isochelespilosus (Fig. 14D) Asymmetrioneambodistorta
10 Adult female head somewhat bilobate, eyes absent; pereomeres 1–6 with sharply pointed tergal projections on longer side of body; pleomeres 1–5 with short lateral plates and distally rounded uniramous pleopods; branchial parasite of several genera of crangonid and hippolytid shrimps (e.g., Crangon, Eualus) (Fig. 14A) Argeiapugettensis
Adult females not as above; head not bilobate, with or without eyes; pereon without sharp tergal projections; pleopods biramous 11
11 Adult female head wider than long with rounded anterior and posterior margins, eyes absent; narrow and rudimentary coxal plates on pereomeres 3 and 4 on both sides of body; branchial parasite of porcelain crab Pachychelespubescens (Fig. 14C) Aporobopyrusoviformis
Adult female head subtriangular in shape, anterolateral margins produced into small obtuse projections, eyes present; rudimentary coxal plates of pereomeres 3 and 4 only on longer side of body; branchial parasite of porcelain crabs Pachycheles spp. (Fig. 14B) Aporobopyrusmuguensis
12 Adult female body oval to broadly oval, pereon and pleon subequal in width; branchial parasite of mud shrimps of genus Upogebia 13
Adult female body not oval, pleon tapering to much narrower than widest pereomeres 14
13 Adult female body broadly oval, almost as wide as long (L:W ratio ~ 1.2); head almost square, deeply embedded in pereomere 1, eyes absent; ventral surface of pleomeres covered by overlapping lanceolate lateral plates and uniramous uropods, middle region covered by similar sized biramous pleopods (Fig. 14E) Orthionegriffenis
Adult female body oval, distinctly longer than wide (L:W ratio ~ 1.5); head slightly wider anteriorly than posteriorly, deeply embedded in pereomere 1, eyes present; ventral surface of pleomeres covered by numerous ridges and lanceolate biramous, marginally tuberculate pleopods (Fig. 14F) Progebiophilusbruscai
14 Pleon of adult females composed of 5 medially fused pleomeres and pleotelson, the latter deeply arcuate and embedded in pleomere 5; head roughly triangular, separated from pereon by deep groove, eyes absent; branchial parasite of hippolytid shrimps Hippolytecaliforniensis and Thoralgicola (Fig. 15E) Schizobopyrinastriata
Adult female body not as above; pleomeres distinctly separate, not medially fused; head with or without eyes 15
15 Head of adult female partially fused with pereomere 1 and separated by only short lateral notches; frontal margin of head slightly sinuated with anterolateral process usually on just short side of body, small eyes present; pleotelson entirely set within curves of pleomere 5; branchial parasite of snapping shrimps Alpheopsisequidactylus and Synalpheuslockingtoni (Fig. 15A) Bopyrellacalmani
Female head distinctly separate and not fused with pereomere 1, eyes absent; pleotelson not completely set within curves of pleomere 5 16
16 Head of adult female squarish with distinct anterolateral horns and a small anteromedial indentation; pleon with 6 distinct pleomeres separated by deep lateral notches; pleopods 1–4 biramous (5th pair absent), uropods absent; branchial parasite of alpheid shrimp Automate sp. A (Fig. 15B)Endnote 9 Capitetragonia sp. A
Female head wider anteriorly than posteriorly, without anterolateral horns; pleon with 5 pleomeres not separated by deep notches and very small 6th segment, 5 pairs of biramous pleopods, and terminal pair of lanceolate uropods 17
17 Endopods of pleopods 1–5 much larger than exopods, elongate and pointed, surface rough with irregular rugae; coxal plates of pereomeres 5–7 not developed as lamellae; branchial parasite of hermit crabs of genus Pagurus (Fig. 15C)Endnote 10 Eremitionegiardi
Endopods of pleopods 1–5 only slightly larger than exopods, triangular or ovate, surface smooth; coxal plates of pereomeres 5–7 developed as lamellae; branchial parasite of squat lobsters Galacanthadiomedeae and Munidaquadrispina in the East Pacific (Fig. 15D) Pseudionegalacanthae
18 Adult female body simply an egg sac, without evidence of segmentation; antennae and mouthparts absent; parasite on barnacles of genera Balanus and Chthamalus (Fig. 16C) Hemioniscusbalani [Hemioniscidae]
Adult female body with weak evidence of segmentation visible dorsally or laterally; antennae and mouthparts present; parasitic on caridean shrimp of families Pasiphaeidae and Pandalidae 19 [Dajidae]
19 Adult female body typically elongate and symmetrical, but may be irregular with deeper, stouter body in some specimens; head separate, typically hemispherical, visible dorsally or ventrally; segmentation of pereon usually visible laterally by 4 coxal plates; pleonal region posteriorly projected as unsegmented conical prominence; parasite on carapace of pasiphaeid shrimp Pasiphaeapacifica (Fig. 16A)Endnote 11 Holophryxusalaskensis
Adult female body ovate, all regions fused and indistinct dorsally; posterior margin of pleon appears notched with row of triangularly shaped processes; parasite on carapace of pandalid shrimps Pantomusaffinis and Plesionikatrispinus (Fig. 16B)Endnote 12 Zonophryxus sp.