1 |
Pleon composed of 3 free pleonites plus pleotelson; body broad, depressed and platter-like; dorsum with distinct medial carinae (Fig. 18A)Endnote 13
Heteroseroliscarinata [Serolidae] |
– |
Pleon composed of 1 or 2 dorsally visible free pleonites plus pleotelson |
2 |
Pereopod 1 subchelate in both sexes, with broadly expanded propodus and prehensile dactylus (propodus at least 5 × wider than dactylus); pereopod 2 prehensile only in males |
– |
Pereopod 1 ambulatory or only weakly prehensile, propodus narrow (propodus < 2 × as wide as dactylus) |
6 [Sphaeromatidae] |
3 |
Head medially fused to pereonite 1; pleopod 5 with both rami lacking transverse pleats or folds; uropods uniramous, lacking exopods |
4 [Ancindae] |
– |
Head and pereonite 1 not fused; both rami of pleopod 5 with transverse pleats or folds; uropods biramous, exopods slender and spine-like; first segment of pleon with 3 suture lines (fused pleonites 1–4) and 2 small triangular processes on posterior margin; pleotelson with rounded posterior border (Fig. 18B) |
Tecticepsconvexus [Tecticipitidae] |
4 |
Lateral margins of head strongly produced; pleon with 2 short posterior projections overhanging anterior margin of pleotelson; pleopod 1 biramous; uropodal ramus narrow proximally, then expands at least twofold for ~ 80% of length before tapering to acute point (Fig. 19C) |
– |
Lateral margins of head weakly produced; pleon without posterior projections; pleopod 1 uniramous; uropodal ramus styliform, widest proximally and tapering to an acute point |
5 |
Body broad (L:W ratio ~ 1.7) with densely granulated surfaces; pereonite 1 narrower than pereonites 2–7; pleotelson inflated, distinctly wider than long with truncate apex; eyes slightly elevated on swellings; uropods strongly recurved distally (Fig. 19A)Endnote 14
– |
Body relatively narrow (L:W ratio > 2.0) with smooth surfaces; pereonite 1 wider than pereonites 2–7; pleotelson not inflated, longer than wide with nearly acute or narrowly rounded apex; eyes not elevated; distal tips of uropods only slightly recurved (Fig. 19B)Endnote 14
6 |
Endopods of pleopods 4 and 5 without branchial pleats or folds |
– |
Endopods of pleopods 4 and 5 with branchial pleats or folds |
7 |
In lateral view, anterior margins of coxal plates of pereonites 2–4 appear raised and posterior margins not raised, giving the coxae a somewhat S-shaped appearance; species is fully marine (Fig. 20B)Endnote 15
– |
In lateral view, anterior margins of coxal plates 2–4 are not raised, and coxae do not appear S-shaped; species occurs in brackish or freshwater habitats (Fig. 20A) |
8 |
Pleopods 4 and 5 with branchial pleats on both rami |
– |
Pleopods 4 and 5 with branchial pleats only on endopods |
9 |
Uropods of male highly modified, each composed of elongated, cylindrical, or flattened exopod and very short endopod fused to the protopod; both uropodal rami lamellar in females; ovigerous females with 4 pairs of oostegites on pereonites 1–4 |
– |
Uropods lamellar in both sexes; ovigerous females with 3 pairs, 1 pair, or no pairs of oostegites |
10 |
Pleotelson of males with pronounced posteromedial tooth that completely fills apical notch and extends posteriorly beyond level of notch opening; dorsum of pleotelson with 3 transverse elevations at base, median elevation terminating in a spine; body surface densely granulated; sexual dimorphism pronounced with female body smooth, lacking ornamentation or setae (Fig. 20C) |
– |
Pleotelson of males with highly complex and open apical notch, internal lateral margins of notch with various numbers of teeth forming sinuses of different shapes; body surface not densely granulated; sexual dimorphism pronounced, females without complex pleotelsonic notch, terminal notch either very short and simple or absent; dorsum of pleotelson sculptured with various types of tubercles |
11 |
Uropods of male with ventrolateral spines on exopods; female pleotelson stout, with 4 dorsal tubercles and wide, but shallow apical notch (Fig. 21A) |
– |
Uropods of male without spines; female pleotelson not as above |
12 |
Pleotelson of males long, subequal in length to pereon, with complex medial sinus formed by 2 pairs of teeth, pleotelsonic sinus expanded basally into round foramen overhung by basal knob bearing tall acute spine (spine length ≥ 4 × diameter), sinus then narrowing distally to long thin channel; female pleotelson with small distal notch and 5 dorsal tubercles (1 large medial, 4 smaller lateral); female uropodal exopods with sharply toothed posteromedial margins (Fig. 21D) |
Paracerceis sp. A
– |
Pleotelson of males relatively short, ca. half length of pereon; pleotelsonic sinus not as above, without round basal foramen, with or without short spine overhanging base of notch; female uropodal exopods without sharply toothed margins |
13 |
Male pleotelson with short acute spine (i.e., length subequal to diameter) on basal knob overhanging sinus, interior margins of sinus with 2 pairs of lateral teeth; pleotelson of female elongate, acuminate posteriorly, with 3 dorsal tubercles (Fig. 21C)Endnote 16
– |
Male pleotelson with large dorsal tubercle at base of sinus, interior margins of sinus with 3 pairs of sharp teeth; female pleotelson not as above (Fig. 21B) |
14 |
Pleotelson apex entire, upturned; dorsal surface of pleotelson with 2 pairs of prominent tubercles and numerous scattered small tubercles; female sculpturing less pronounced than males (see Bruce and Wetzer 2008: fig. 1) |
Pseudosphaeroma sp.
– |
Pleotelson without upturned apex, sculpturing not as above |
15 |
Pleotelson of males with deeply slit apical notch or expanded foramen, notch may be reduced to small depression or dorsally visible slit in females; uropodal rami subequal in length, typically extending beyond posterior margin of pleotelson; ovigerous females with 1 or 3 pairs of oostegites |
– |
Pleotelson of males and females with shallow terminal notch; uropodal exopod shorter than endopod, rami not extending beyond posterior border of pleotelson; ovigerous females without oostegites |
16 |
Pleotelsonic sinus (foramen) distinctly heart shaped with median point in males, but greatly reduced in females; dorsum of pleon with 2 rounded submedian tubercles just lateral to midline on pleonite 5, and 4 similarly spaced tubercles on pleotelson; uropodal rami with crenulated margins (at least in males) (Fig. 22B) |
– |
Pleotelsonic sinus long and narrow, with prominent rounded tubercle barely overhanging anterior base, sinus walls straight sided and finely crenulate; dorsal surface of pleotelson covered with small tubercles; uropodal rami without crenulated margins (Fig. 22A) |
17 |
Frontal margin of head produced as a quadrangular process; antennular articles 1 and 2 dilated; dorsal surface of pleotelson sculptured with 3 longitudinal ridges (Fig. 22C)Endnote 17
– |
Frontal margin of head not produced; antennular articles not dilated; dorsal surface of pleotelson smooth or tuberculate |
18 |
Dorsal surface of pleotelson with many tubercles (Fig. 22E) |
– |
Dorsal surface of pleotelson smooth, without tubercles or ridges (Fig. 22D)Endnote 17
19 |
Uropodal exopods with distinctly serrated outer margins |
– |
Uropodal exopods with smooth or lightly crenulated outer margins |
20 |
Dorsal surface of pleotelson lightly sculptured with 2 longitudinal rows of small tubercles, posterior margin with prominent transverse elevation (Fig. 20D) |
– |
Dorsal surface of pleotelson heavily sculptured with many longitudinal rows of small to large heavy tubercles, posterior margin without prominent transverse elevation (Fig. 20E) |
21 |
Dorsal surface of pereonites, pleonites and pleotelson smooth, without tubercles or other ornamentation; apex of pleotelson rounded and truncate (Fig. 23C)Endnote 18
– |
Dorsal surface of body with ornamentation; apex of pleotelson acuminateEndnote 18
22 |
Pleotelson with produced rhomboid-shaped apical process and concave lateral margins, sides folded inward, forming kind of funnel-like opening when viewed ventrally; dorsum of pleotelson sculptured with 2 basal tubercles, which are continuous with 2 longitudinal ridges that converge posteriorly into a single median ridge; uropods distinctly shorter than pleotelson (Fig. 23E)Endnote 19
– |
Pleotelson triangular, dorsum without parallel ridges; uropods subequal in length to pleotelson |
23 |
Dorsal sculpturing subtle, starting on pereonites 6 and 7; pereonite 6 with row of 7 weak tubercles along posterior margin; pereonite 7 with posteriorly directed median process and weak lateral tubercle on each side along posterior margin; pleon with 2 medium tubercles, 1 on each side of midline; pleotelson with 1 strong anteromedial tubercle and 2 weak tubercles lateral to midline (Fig. 23B) |
– |
Dorsal sculpturing distinct on most or all pereonites, comprising either low, weak tubercles or taller, more pronounced tubercles |
24 |
Dorsal surface of pereonites with low, weak tubercles along posterior margins; pereonite 1 with 1 very weak median tubercle; pereonites 2–4 with 3 tubercles, 1 median and 2 laterals (1 per side); pereonites 5 and 6 with row of 7 tubercles, 1 at midline and 3 laterals per side; pereonite 7 with weak median process and paired lateral tubercles; pleotelson with 2 small anterior tubercles (Fig. 23A) |
– |
Dorsal surface of all pereonites sculptured with heavy, strong tubercles giving body appearance of 7 prominent longitudinal rows of tubercles; pereonite 1 with 2 transverse rows of tubercles; pereonites 2–7 each with 1 transverse row of 7 tubercles; pereonite 7 with strong median process and 3 lateral tubercles per side; pleotelson with 3 strong medial tubercles on either side of midline, plus numerous smaller tubercles scattered over dorsal surface (Fig. 23D) |