Number of cells per 100 squared micrometers |
NC |
Matched cell mask |
Fraction of image foreground occupied by cells |
Matched cell mask |
Fraction of image background occupied by cells |
1-FBC |
Matched cell mask |
Fraction of cell mask in foreground |
Matched cell mask |
Fraction of match between cells and nuclei |
Cell and nuclear masks prior to mask processing |
Average CV of foreground pixels outside the cells |
1/(ACVF+1) |
Matched cell mask |
Fraction of first PC of foreground pixels outside the cells |
Matched cell mask |
Average of weighted average CV of cell type intensities over 1–10 clusters |
1/(ACVC+1) |
Matched nuclear mask (NUC) and cell excluding nucleus mask (CEN) |
Average of weighted average fraction of the first PC of cell type intensities over 1–10 clusters |
Matched nuclear mask (NUC) and cell excluding nucleus mask (CEN) |
Average of Silhouette score of clustering over 2–10 clusters |
AS |
Matched nuclear mask (NUC) and cell excluding nucleus mask (CEN) |
Standard deviation of cell size |
1/(ln(CSSD)+1) |
Matched cell mask |