Computational modeling suggests that restricted cortical dynein localization drives cen- trosome clustering. (A) Simulation results where cortical dynein is enriched in the region from 0 to π/2 (region shown with a pink arc in A, top, and dashed lines in A, bottom). Top, Simulation at t = 30 min showing centrosomes in yellow, microtubules bound to cortical dynein in pink, and all other microtubules in blue. Bottom, Plot of microtubules binding to cortical dynein on the boundary of the cell (−π to π) from the simulation shown above. Each dot indicates an individual microtubule binding to dynein. (B–E) Top, Trace of centrosome movement over time through the duration of a simulation, where a red “x” indicates initial centrosome position, a blue “*” indicates centrosome position at 30 min, and a yellow “x” (C only) indicates centrosome position at 60 min. Numbers mark individual centrosomes, and grayscale indicates time. The pink on the cell boundary indicates the region of high dynein activity (where = 0.5; elsewhere
= 0.01). Here, B and C have dynein enrichment in the region 0 to π/2, D has uniform dynein on the entire cell boundary, and E has no dynein. (B–E) Bottom, Heat map representing the pairwise distances between all centrosome pairs indicated in the corresponding traces in the top panel. (F) The percentage of simulations that achieve bipolar spindles (each of the two poles having one or more clustered centrosomes) when cortical dynein is absent (noD), distributed uniformly across the cell boundary (uD), or enriched in the region from 0 to π/2 ((π/2)D); duration of simulations is t = 30 or 60 min as indicated. Data are an average over 30 simulations, and data for five and six centrosomes are shown for only t = 30 min.