Probing the role of chromokinesin and polar wind. (A) Probability to find each type of KT–MT attachments for CHs without chromokinesins (CKs) in different initial configurations: 1 (blue), 2 (red), and 4 (black). Statistics of attachments were collected from eight independent CellDynaMo simulations for all three case studies. The number of amphitelic attachments as a function of time collected from all eight CellDynaMo simulation runs for all three case studies are shown in the inset. (B) Probability to find each type of KT–MT attachments for CHs in the presence of CK in different initial configurations: 1 (blue), 2 (red), and 4 (black). Green bars correspond to the case of CH in initial configuration 4, but with a limited number of MTs allowed to attach to the KTs. Statistics were collected from eight independent CellDynaMo simulation runs for all four case studies. The number of amphitelic attachments as a function of time collected from all eight trajectories for all four case studies are shown in the inset. (C) The most representative snapshot of the final position of CH (after 30 min of simulation) for the case without CK. (D) The most representative snapshot of the final position of CH (after 30 min of simulation) for the case with CKs and an unlimited number of MTs allowed to attach to the KTs (see Supplemental Movie S1). (E) The most representative snapshot of the final position of CH (after 30 min of simulation) for the case with CKs and a limited number of MTs allowed to attach to the KTs (see Supplemental Movie S2). (F) Snapshot of the final position and orientation for amphitelic attachment. (G) Snapshot of the final position and final orientation for merotelic attachment.