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. 2023 Mar 7;94(6):755–764. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003940


Change in US County-Level Trauma Center Access, 2005 to 2020

Level Coverage Estimate Type
Population Centers, % MVC Fatality, %
2005 2012 2020 Diff. 2005 2012 2020 Diff.
Ground and HEMS
Level I 66.85 67.72 70.72 3.87 53.59 54.13 59.64 6.05
Level II 63.20 64.63 72.47 9.27 51.09 51.81 62.80 11.71
Level I/II 79.30 80.51 85.21 5.91 68.28 68.45 77.05 8.77
Level I 65.96 67.29 70.71 4.75 52.85 53.88 59.64 6.79
Level II 57.95 59.99 70.03 12.08 46.63 47.91 60.05 13.42
Level I/II 77.54 79.07 84.42 6.88 66.44 67.01 76.15 9.71
Level I 22.38 21.60 21.75 −0.63 13.19 13.27 15.40 2.21
Level II 12.18 12.45 12.95 0.77 8.03 8.23 9.23 1.2
Level I/II 27.02 26.58 27.03 0.01 16.90 17.19 19.53 2.63

Differences between groups are all significant at p < 0.05.

This table shows the change in trauma center access between 2005, 2012, and 2020, for each level of trauma center, as well as grouped I/II (HLTC), broken out by ground access, air access (HEMS), and combined (ground + HEMS access).

Data source: Fatality Analysis Reporting System and US Census Bureau.

Diff., Difference from 2005 to 2020 (2020-2005).