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. 2023 May 23;11:tkad003. doi: 10.1093/burnst/tkad003

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Measurement of S1P in PRP-Exos and S1PR in vivo. (a) Concentration of S1P in PRP-Exos, PRP-AS and NC groups was measured by ELISA. (b) Relative mRNA levels of S1PR1–3 in human skin were analysed. (c) Relative mRNA levels of S1PR1–3 in the mouse skin were analysed. (d) Data from the Human Protein Atlas verified that S1PR1 was rich in endothelial cells of human skin. (e, f) Western bloting and quantification showing the relative levels of S1PR1–3 in HUVECs; ****p < 0.0001, **p < 0.01, ns no significant difference. S1P sphingosine-1-phosphate, S1PR sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor, NG normal glucose, HG high glucose, HP high permeation, NC normal control, PRP platelet-rich plasm, PRP-AS activated supernatants of PRP, PRP-Exos exosomes derived from PRP