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. 2022 Dec 22;47(2):885–900. doi: 10.1007/s11259-022-10052-3

Table 1.

Differentially enriched (P ≤ 0.05) proteins between follicular (F) and luteal (L) phases

Protein name Protein description F vs L adj. P-value* F-cent
Putative function
ALDH3A2 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 3 Family Member A2 0.0114 -1.46 Detoxification of aldehydes
ATP1B2 ATPase Na + /K + Transporting Subunit Beta 2 0.00654 -2.23 Ion transport, cell adhesion
B3GNT3 N-acetyllactosaminide beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3 0.0358 -2.17 Metabolic processes
CDC6 Cell Division Cycle 6 0.0025 -1.85 Cell cycle and division, DNA replication, mitosis
CDCP1 CUB Domain Containing Protein 1 0.00486 -1.26 Cell adhesion, cell matrix remodelling
COMMD2 COMM Domain Containing 2 0.000189 -1.54 Cell cycle, apoptosis, oncogenesis, adaptive immunity
CYP51A1 Cytochrome P450 Family 51 Subfamily A Member 1 0.0111 -1.67 Steroid metabolism
DDHD2 DDHD Domain Containing 2 0.0315 -1.44 Lipid metabolism
EFEMP1 EGF Containing Fibulin Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 0.0275 -1.48 Cell adhesion, cell signalling
ENPP6 Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/ Phosphodiesterase 6 0.00549 -2.05 Lipid metabolism
EPHX1 Epoxide Hydrolase 1 0.0407 -2.68 Aromatic hydrocarbons catabolism, detoxification
ERO1A Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidoreductase 1 Alpha 0.0137 -1.97 Apoptosis, electron transport
F3 Coagulation Factor III 0.000491 -2.94 Haemostasis
GCNT2 Glucosaminyl (N-Acetyl) Transferase 2 0.00231 -1.53 Metabolic processes
GM2A GM2 Ganglioside Activator 0.00322 -3.03 Lipid metabolism
HSD17B7 Hydroxysteroid 17-Beta Dehydrogenase 7 0.00247 -1.63 Lipid metabolism, lipid and steroid biosynthesis
ILVBL IlvB Acetolactate Synthase Like 0.00785 -1.65 Lipid metabolism
INSR Insulin Receptor 0.0163 -1.35 Carbohydrate metabolism
IRF6 Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 0.0194 -1.23 Epithelial cell proliferation
LAMTOR4 Late Endosomal/Lysosomal Adaptor, MAPK And MTOR Activator 4 0.0159 -1.59 Cell signalling
MBOAT2 Membrane Bound O-Acyltransferase Domain Containing 2 0.0392 -1.37 Lipid biosynthesis and metabolism
MFAP4 Microfibril Associated Protein 4 0.00286 -1.32 Cell adhesion, intercellular interactions
MPP7 MAGUK P55 Scaffold Protein 7 0.00126 -1.41 Cell polarity, tight junction
MSMO1 Methylsterol Monooxygenase 1 0.00769 -1.68 Lipid and steroid metabolism and biosynthesis
MYO1C.1 Myosin IC 0.00000559 2.9 Plasma membrane tension
OXTR Oxytocin Receptor 0.0283 2.48 Cell signalling
PBDC1 Polysaccharide Biosynthesis Domain Containing 1 0.0222 1.43 Poorly understood
PDZK1IP1 PDZK1 Interacting Protein 1 0.000453 -1.81 Poorly understood
PLAUR Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor 0.00308 2.14 Cell signalling
RBP1 Retinol Binding Protein 1 0.00709 1.57 Metabolic processes, transport
RTN1 Reticulon 1 0.00311 -1.32 Apoptosis, stress response, ER-Golgi transport
RTN3 Reticulon 3 0.00173 -1.36 Apoptosis, stress response, ER-Golgi transport
S100A16 S100 Calcium Binding Protein A16 0.0283 1.42 Ion transport
SLC4A4 Solute Carrier Family 4 Member 4 0.00000175 2.02 Ion transport
SMG8 SMG8 Nonsense Mediated MRNA Decay Factor 0.0335 -1.69 Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
TMBIM1 Transmembrane BAX Inhibitor Motif Containing 1 0.00279 -2 Vascular remodelling
TMEM114 Transmembrane Protein 114 0.000000185 2.93 Poorly understood
TNC Tenascin C 0.00000587 3.36 Cell adhesion
TOR2A Torsin Family 2 Member A 0.0117 -1.44 ATP binding
WFDC2 WAP Four-Disulfide Core Domain 2 0.00654 -1.8 Broad range protease inhibitor
ZDHHC20 Zinc Finger DHHC-Type Palmitoyltransferase 20 0.00499 -1.65 Metabolic processes

* F vs L adj. P-value = luteal vs follicular adjusted P-value

** F-cent. PE = follicular centered protein expression