Extended Data Fig. 8 |. Additional data on learning-related CA3/CA2 interneuron dynamics during the GOL task.
(a) Quantification of the peri-SWR modulation for CA3 AACs, SOMs, and CBs during PRE and POST sessions on Learning Days. None of these three subtypes significantly changed their activity around SWRs after learning (AAC PRE: −0.350 ± 0.217, AAC POST: −0.416 ± 0.211, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p = 0.33; SOM PRE: −0.571 ± 0.275, SOM POST: −0.555 ± 0.334, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p = 0.68; CB PRE: −0.322 ± 0.135, CB POST: −0.335 ± 0.227, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p = 0.69). Data from n = 17 AACs, 18 SOMs, and 5 CBs from n = 8 mice. CB+/SATB1+ and CB/SATB1− neurons are considered together in the CB subtype. Data reported as mean ± s.d. (b) Average Z-scored peri-SWR traces for both PRE and POST sessions for all CA2 subtypes on Learning Days. Data from 27 PRE and 26 POST PVBCs, 21 PRE and 19 POST AACs, 27 PRE and 27 POST SOMs, 14 PRE and 14 POST CCKs, and 18 PRE and 16 POST CBs from n = 8 mice. CB/SATB1+ and CB/SATB1− neurons are considered together in the CB subtype. Traces for each subtype and condition represent mean ± s.e.m. (c) Average Z-scored peri-SWR traces for both PRE and POST sessions for all CA3 subtypes on Non-Learning Days. Data from 15 PRE and 16 POST PVBCs, 4 PRE and 4 POST AACs, 26 PRE and 25 POST SOMs, 4 PRE and 4 POST CCKs, and 2 PRE and 2 POST CBs from n = 8 mice. CB/SATB1+ and CB/SATB1− neurons are considered together in the CB subtype. Traces for each subtype and condition represent mean ± s.e.m. (d) Quantification of the change in peri-SWR modulation for CA3 PVBCs and CCKs between PRE and POST sessions on Non-Learning Days. Neither subtype changed its activity significantly after the GOL task (PVBC PRE: 0.360 ± 0.581, PVBC POST: 0.460 ± 0.370, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p = 0.39; CCK PRE: −0.433 ± 0.195, CCK POST: −0.390 ± 0.177, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p = 0.59; data from n = 15 PVBCs and 3 CCKs from n = 8 mice). Data reported as mean ± s.d. * p < 0.05, ** p <0.01, *** p < 0.001.