Table 1.
The Constructed Items Measurement Model
Scale constructs | Outer loadings |
Fantasy (CR = 0.857, CA = 0.749, AVE = 0.669) a | |
When I am reading an interesting story or novel, I imagine how I would feel if the events in the story were happening to me (F1) | 0.678 |
I get really involved with the feelings of the characters in a novel (F2) | 0.908 |
After seeing a play or movie, I have felt as though I were one of the characters (F3) | 0.851 |
Perspective-taking (CR = 0.815, CA = 0.571, AVE = 0.669) a | |
*If I am sure I am right about something, I do not waste much time listening to other people’s arguments (PT1) | 0.741 |
*I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the “other guy’s” point of view (PT2) | 0.912 |
Personal distress (CR = 0.814, CA = 0.774, AVE = 0.603) a | |
In emergency situations, I feel apprehensive and ill-at-ease (PD1) | 0.758 |
Being in a tense emotional situation scares me (PD2) | 0.727 |
I tend to lose control during emergencies (PD3) | 0.966 |
Empathic concern (CR = 0.912, CA = 0.855, AVE = 0.777) a | |
*When I see someone being treated unfairly, I sometimes do not feel very much pity for them (EC1) | 0.851 |
*Usually I am not extremely concerned when I see someone else in trouble. (EC2) |
0.937 |
*Sometimes I do not feel sorry for other people when they are having problems. (EC3) | 0.854 |
Algorithmic Thinking (CR = 0.949, CA = 0.919, AVE = 0.860) b | |
I believe that I can easily catch the relation between the figures (AT1) | 0.898 |
I can express mathematically the solutions to the problems I face in the daily life (AT2) | 0.950 |
I can digitize a mathematical problem expressed verbally (AT3) | 0.934 |
Creativity (CR = 0.871, CA = 0.777, AVE = 0.693) b | |
I like the people who are sure of most of their decisions (C1) | 0.768 |
I believe that I can solve the problems that possibly occur when I encounter a new situation (C2) | 0.950 |
I trust my intuitions and feelings of “trueness” and “wrongness” when I approach the solution to a problem (C3) | 0.823 |
Cooperativity (CR = 0.929, CA = 0.890, AVE = 0.815) b | |
I like experiencing cooperative learning together with my group of friends (CA1) | 0.871 |
I like solving problems related to a group project together with my friends in cooperative learning (CA2) | 0.931 |
More ideas occur in cooperative learning (CA3) | 0.905 |
Critical Thinking (CR = 0.924, CA = 0.877, AVE = 0.803) b | |
I am good at preparing regular plans regarding the solution of complex problems (CT1) | 0.893 |
I am proud of being able to think with great precision (CT2) | 0.880 |
I make use of a systematic method while comparing the options at hand and while reaching a decision (CT3) | 0.915 |
Problem Solving (CR = 0.921, CA = 0.871, AVE = 0.795) b | |
*I have problems in the issue of where and how I should use the variables such as X and Y in the solution of a problem (PS1) | 0.893 |
*I cannot produce many options while thinking of the possible solutions to a problem (PS2) | 0.928 |
*I cannot develop my own ideas in the environment of cooperative learning (PS3) | 0.853 |
(a) Adapted from IRI (1980). (b) Adopted from CTS (2017)
Note: PD = Personal Distress, F = Fantasy, PT = Perspective-Taking, EC = Empathic Concern, AT = Algorithmic Thinking, C = Creativity, CA = Cooperativity, CT = Critical Thinking, PS = CPS skills