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. 2023 Jan 27;95:27–45. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.95.96400

Table 2.

Isolates and GenBank accession numbers used in the phylogenetic analyses.

Species Isolate/Strain Host/Substrate Origin GenBank accession numbers
ITS LSU tef1 tub2
Apiosporaacutiapica KUMCC 20-0210 (Type) Bambusabambos China MT946343 MT946339 MT947360 MT947366
A.agari KUC21333 (Type) Agarumcribrosum Korea MH498520 MH498440 MH544663 MH498478
A.aquatica S-642 (Type) Submerged wood China MK828608 MK835806 NA NA
A.arctoscopi KUC21331 (Type) Egg of Arctoscopusjaponicus Korea MH498529 MH498449 MN868918 MH498487
A.arundinis CBS 124788 Living leaves of Fagussylvatica Switzerland KF144885 KF144929 KF145017 KF144975
A.aurea CBS 244.83 (Type) Air Spain AB220251 KF144935 KF145023 KF144981
A.balearica CBS 145129 (Type) Undetermined Poaceae Spain MK014869 MK014836 MK017946 MK017975
A.biserialis CGMCC 3.20135 (Type) Bamboo China MW481708 MW478885 MW522938 MW522955
A.camelliae-sinensis LC5007 (Type) Camelliasinensis China KY494704 KY494780 KY705103 KY705173
A.chiangraiense MFLUCC21-0053 (Type) Dead culms of bamboo Thailand MZ542520 MZ542524 NA MZ546409
A.chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1505 (Type) Chromolaenaodorata Thailand MT214342 MT214436 NA NA
A.cordylines GUCC 10027 (Type) Leaves of Cordylinefruticosa China MT040106 NA MT040127 MT040148
A.cyclobalanopsidis CGMCC 3.20136 (Type) Cyclobalanopsidisglauca China MW481713 MW478892 MW522945 MW522962
A.descalsii CBS 145130 (Type) Ampelodesmosmauritanicus Spain MK014870 MK014837 MK017947 MK017976
A.dichotomanthi LC4950 (Type) Dichotomanthustristaniaecarpa China KY494697 KY494773 KY705096 KY705167
A.dongyingensis SAUCC 0302 (Type) Leaf of bamboo China OP563375 OP572424 OP573264 OP573270
SAUCC 0303 Leaf of bamboo China OP563374 OP572423 OP573263 OP573269
A.esporlensis CBS 145136 (Type) Phyllostachysaurea Spain MK014878 MK014845 MK017954 MK017983
A.euphorbiae IMI 285638b Bambusa sp. Bangladesh AB220241 AB220335 NA AB220288
A.fermenti KUC21289 (Type) Seaweed Korea MF615226 MF615213 MH544667 MF615231
A.gaoyouensis CFCC 52301 (Type) Phragmitesaustralis China MH197124 NA MH236793 MH236789
A.garethjonesii JHB004 (Type) Culms of dead bamboo China KY356086 KY356091 NA NA
A.gelatinosa HKAS 111962 (Type) Culms of dead bamboo China MW481706 MW478888 MW522941 MW522958
A.guiyangensis HKAS 102403 (Type) Dead culms of Poaceae China MW240647 MW240577 MW759535 MW775604
A.guizhouensis LC5322 (Type) Air in karst cave China KY494709 KY494785 KY705108 KY705178
A.hainanensis SAUCC 1681 (Type) Leaf of bamboo China OP563373 OP572422 OP573262 OP573268
SAUCC 1682 Leaf of bamboo China OP563372 OP572421 OP573261 OP573267
A.hispanica IMI 326877 (Type) Maritime sand Spain AB220242 AB220336 NA AB220289
A.hydei CBS 114990 (Type) Culms of Bambusatuldoides China KF144890 KF144936 KF145024 KF144982
A.hyphopodii MFLUCC 15-0003 (Type) Dead culms of bamboo Thailand KR069110 NA NA NA
A.hysterina ICPM 6889 (Type) Bamboo New Zealand MK014874 MK014841 MK017951 MK017980
A.iberica AP10118 (Type) Arundodonax Portugal MK014879 MK014846 MK017955 MK017984
A.intestini CBS 135835 (Type) Gut of grasshopper India KR011352 KR149063 KR011351 KR011350
A.italica CBS 145138 (Type) Arundodonax Italy MK014880 MK014847 MK017956 MK017985
A.jatrophae CBS 134262 (Type) Jatrophapodagrica India JQ246355 NA NA NA
A.jiangxiensis LC4577 (Type) Maesa sp. China KY494693 KY494769 KY705092 KY705163
A.kogelbergensis CBS 113333 (Type) Dead culms of Restionaceae South Africa KF144892 KF144938 KF145026 KF144984
A.koreana KUC21332 (Type) Egg of Arctoscopusjaponicus Korea MH498524 MH498444 MH544664 MH498482
A.locuta-pollinis LC11683 (Type) Brassicacampestris China MF939595 NA MF939616 MF939622
A.longistroma MFLUCC 11-0481 (Type) Culms of decaying bamboo Thailand KU940141 KU863129 NA NA
A.malaysiana CBS 102053 (Type) Macarangahullettii stem colonised by ants Malaysia KF144896 KF144942 KF145030 KF144988
A.marianiae AP18219 (Type) Dead stems of Phleumpratense Spain ON692406 ON692422 ON677180 ON677186
A.marii CBS 497.90 (Type) Atmosphere, pharmaceutical excipients, home dust and beach sands Spain MH873913 KF144947 KF145035 KF144993
A.marina KUC21328 (Type) Seaweed Korea MH498538 MH498458 MH544669 MH498496
A.mediterranea IMI 326875 (Type) Air Spain AB220243 AB220337 NA AB220290
A.minutispora 17E-042 (Type) Soil South Korea LC517882 NA LC518889 LC518888
A.montagnei AP301120 (Epitype) Arundomicrantha Spain ON692408 ON692424 ON677182 ON677188
AP19421 Arundomicrantha Spain ON692418 ON692425 ON677183 ON677189
CPC 18900 Culms of Phragmitesaustralis Italy KF144909 KF144956 KF145043 KF145001
A.mori MFLU 18-2514 (Type) Dead leaves of Morusaustralis China MW114313 MW114393 NA NA
A.multiloculata MFLUCC 21-0023 (Type) Dead culms of Bambusae Thailand OL873137 OL873138 NA OL874718
A.mytilomorpha DAOM 214595 (Type) Dead blades of Andropogon sp. India KY494685 NA NA NA
A.neobambusae LC7106 (Type) Leaf of bamboo China KY494718 KY494794 KY806204 KY705186
A.neochinense CFCC 53036 (Type) Fargesiaqinlingensis China MK819291 NA MK818545 MK818547
A.neogarethjonesii HKAS 102408 (Type) Dead culms of Bambusae China MK070897 MK070898 NA NA
A.neosubglobosa JHB007 (Type) Bamboo China KY356090 KY356095 NA NA
A.obovata LC4940 (Type) Lithocarpus sp. China KY494696 KY494772 KY705095 KY705166
A.ovata CBS 115042 (Type) Arundinariahindsii China KF144903 KF144950 KF145037 KF144995
A.paraphaeosperma MFLUCC13-0644 (Type) Dead clumps of Bambusa sp. Thailand KX822128 KX822124 NA NA
A.phyllostachydis MFLUCC 18-1101 (Type) Phyllostachysheteroclada China MK351842 MH368077 MK340918 MK291949
A.piptatheri CBS 145149 (Type) Piptatherummiliaceum Spain MK014893 MK014860 MK017969 NA
A.pseudomarii GUCC 10228 (Type) Leaves of Aristolochiadebilis China MT040124 NA MT040145 MT040166
A.pseudoparenchymatica LC7234 (Type) Leaf of bamboo China KY494743 KY494819 KY705139 KY705211
A.pseudorasikravindrae KUMCC 20-0208 (Type) Bambusadolichoclada China MT946344 NA MT947361 MT947367
A.pseudosinensis CPC 21546 (Type) Leaf of bamboo Netherlands KF144910 KF144957 KF145044 MN868936
A.pseudosinensis SAUCC 0221 Leaf of bamboo China OP563377 OP572426 OP573266 OP573272
SAUCC 0222 Leaf of bamboo China OP563376 OP572425 OP573265 OP573271
A.pseudospegazzinii CBS 102052 (Type) Macarangahullettii stem colonized by ants Malaysia KF144911 KF144958 KF145045 KF145002
A.pterosperma CPC 20193 (Type) Lepidospermagladiatum Australia KF144913 KF144960 KF145046 KF145004
A.pusillisperma KUC21321 (Type) Seaweed Korea MH498533 MH498453 MN868930 MH498491
A.qinlingensis CFCC 52303 (Type) Fargesiaqinlingensis China MH197120 NA MH236795 MH236791
A.rasikravindrae LC5449 Soil in karst cave China KY494713 KY494789 KY705112 KY705182
A.sacchari CBS 212.30 Phragmitesaustralis UK KF144916 KF144962 KF145047 KF145005
A.saccharicola CBS191.73 Air Netherlands KF144920 KF144966 KF145051 KF145009
A.sargassi KUC21228 (Type) Sargassumfulvellum Korea KT207746 KT207696 MH544677 KT207644
A.sasae CBS 146808 (Type) Dead culms of Sasaveitchii Netherlands MW883402 MW883797 MW890104 MW890120
A.septata CGMCC 3.20134 (Type) Bamboo China MW481711 MW478890 MW522943 MW522960
A.serenensis IMI 326869 (Type) Food, pharmaceutical excipients, atmosphere and home dust Spain AB220250 AB220344 NA AB220297
A.setariae CFCC 54041 (Type) Decaying culms of Setariaviridis China MT492004 NA NA NA
A.sichuanensis HKAS 107008 (Type) Dead culms of Poaceae China MW240648 MW240578 MW759536 MW775605
A.sorghi URM 93000 (Type) Sorghumbicolor Brazil MK371706 NA NA MK348526
A.sphaerosperma CBS114314 Leaf of Hordeumvulgare Iran KF144904 KF144951 KF145038 KF144996
A.stipae CBS 146804 (Type) Dead culm of Stipagigantea Spain MW883403 MW883798 MW890082 MW890121
A.subglobosa MFLUCC 11-0397 (Type) Dead bamboo culms Thailand KR069112 KR069113 NA NA
A.subrosea LC7292 (Type) Leaf of bamboo China KY494752 KY494828 KY705148 KY705220
A.thailandica LC5630 Rotten wood China KY494714 KF144970 KY705113 KY806200
A.vietnamensis IMI 99670 (Type) Citrussinensis Vietnam KX986096 KX986111 NA KY019466
A.xenocordella CBS 478.86 (Type) Soil from roadway Zimbabwe KF144925 KF144970 KF145055 KF145013
A.yunnana MFLUCC 15-0002 (Type) Decaying bamboo culms China KU940147 KU863135 NA NA
Arthriniumcaricicola CBS 145127 Carexericetorum China MK014871 MK014838 MK017948 MK017977

Notes: Strains in this study are marked in bold. NA = not available.