Fig. 2.
T3SS2 extends beyond the family Vibrionaceae . Identification and taxonomic distribution of T3SS2 gene clusters in bacterial genomes. The presence of T3SS2 gene clusters from phylotypes T3SS2α, T3SS2β and different subgroups are shown for each taxonomic category (colour coded). The numbers correspond to the total numbers of bacterial genomes within each taxonomic category that harbour a putative T3SS2 gene cluster. The number of genomes lacking most T3SS2 structural components is shown in parentheses. The ML phylogenetic tree was built from the alignments of 16S RNA DNA sequences from each representative bacterial species with a bootstrap test of phylogeny (1000 replications) with iq-tree and visualized by iTOL. For each bacterial genus, the percentage of T3SSS-positive bacterial genomes from the total NCBI database is shown. The unit of the tree scale corresponds to nucleotide substitutions per site.