Figure 7:
Square-cup deep-drawing benchmark problem in plasticity [28], solved using the reactive plasticity framework described in Section 7, using the FEBio open-source finite element software ( Details of the implementation can be found online [1]. (a) A flat square sheet, compressed between a rigid die and holder, turns into a cup when subjected to a deep-drawing deformation using a rigid square punch with rounded edges. This figure shows the final shape of the cup after the punch has been retrieved, and the color map shows the octahedral plastic strain. (b) Drawing force applied on punch to produce the cup. (c) Finite element (solid lines) and experimental (dashed lines) distribution of engineering strains along the diagonal line from the center of the plate to one of its corners, showing good agreement between model predictions (principal values and of the left Hencky strain tensor) and measurements (e-min, e-max for in-plane strains, and e-t for out-of-plane strain).