Fig. 3. SARS-CoV-2 variant transmission in neonatal mice.
Neonatal K18-hACE2+/- mice were infected with indicated SARS-CoV-2 and co-housed with uninfected littermates for 7 days at a 1:6-9 ratio. The acquisition of infection by and viral burden in contact mice was monitored daily. Ancestral WA-1 was compared to Alpha (a), Beta (b), Gamma (c), Delta (d), Omicron BA.1 (e), and Omicron BQ1.1 (f) variants. Left panels show the percentage of viral acquisition in inverted Kaplan-Meier plots. The onset of acquisition was scored as the first day of sustained infectious virus detection. Right panels show the viral burden in contact shedding samples determined by plaque assay. Data is shown as geometric mean (line) with geometric standard deviation (shaded area). Individual values below the limit of detection (50 PFU/ml) were set to 5. Data from at least 2 independent repetitions n = 1 index and 4-6 contact pups per repetition. Only significant p-values (Mantel-Cox Log-rank test for Kaplan-Meier plots, Kruskal-Wallis test for viral burden) are presented.