Extended Data Fig. 1. Imaging Mass Cytometry analyses of immune cell interactions and avoidance in the human glioblastoma tumor microenvironment.
a, Heatmap showing the interaction/avoidance scores of cell types quantified in Fig. 1b in treatment-naive human glioblastoma (Primary (Prim), upper half square) and their matched recurrent tumors post standard of care therapy (Recurrent (Rec) lower half square). Each column displays the cell type interaction/avoidance score with the corresponding cell types in the rows below (n = 4 patients). b−e, Flow cytometry quantification of T cells (gated as CD45+CD11b−CD3+) in the TME of PDG-Ink4a (b,c) or PDG-p53 (d,e) glioblastoma isolated from treatment-naïve, primary tumors (Prim), or from tumors treated with 5x2Gy radiotherapy (RT) isolated 6 days, 12 days or 18 days post initial radiation dose (6d, 12d, 18d, respectively) or at tumor regrowth 3-4 weeks post-RT (herein termed recurrence (Rec)) tumors. B, CD8+ T cells (gated from CD45+CD11b+CD3+; Prim n = 5, d6 RT n = 6, d12 RT n = 8 mice). c, CD4+ T cells (gated from CD45+CD11b+CD3+; Prim n = 5, d6 RT n = 10, d12 RT n = 8, d18 RT n = 4, Rec n = 4 mice). d, CD8+ T cells (gated from CD45+CD11b+CD3+; Prim n = 4, d6 RT n = 6, d12 RT n = 5, d18 RT n = 5 mice). e, CD4+ T cells (gated from CD45+CD11b+CD3+; Prim n = 4, d6 RT n = 10, d12 RT n = 8, d18 RT n = 5 mice). Statistics: one-way ANOVA with Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli correction for multiple testing (b-e). Data are represented as mean ± S.E.M. (b-e).