Extended Data Fig. 6. CD3+CD8+ T cell infiltration impact the HLA-II immunopeptidome.
a, The relative amount of immune cells in each micro-region calculated on the gene list of Danaher et al. using the GeoMx transcriptome data. Z-score distribution of the gene expression comparisons of tumor versus stroma, TLS, and CD45+ micro-regions in b, excluded-low (n = 2 and 256 genes) and c, infiltrated-low (n = 1 and 369 genes) samples. Correlation of all genes attributed to stroma, TLS, and CD45+ micro-regions (lower quartile) or with tumor micro-regions (upper qurtile) with d, cell type abundance in excluded-low and e, infiltrated-low samples. Sum of sampling score for genes correlating with any immune cell type (Pearson Correlation r > 0.5) per cell type in f, excluded-low (n = 2 patients and n = 62 genes) and g, infiltrated-low samples (n = 1 patient and n = 169 genes).