Fig. 1.
Illustration of the information obtainable from a push-out experiment combined with in situ μ-CT imaging and DVC analysis using an explant with a titanium screw as an example. (A) The applied force (blue/red line) and position of the pusher (grey line) are recorded from the load cell. (B) Micrometer scale 3D reconstructions, as shown by an orthoslice view, enable the morphological characterization of the peri-implant bone macrostructure. A detail view of the bone is provided showing vessels and osteocyte lacunae in the tissue. (C) Deformation fields are obtained from sequential scans at increasing load. This is depicted by a rendering of the peri-implant bone deformation magnitude. (D) Local strains and cracks in the bone are then accessible by image analysis as shown for an emerging longitudinal crack by plotting a sequence of 2D slices displaying volumetric strain at increasing load.