Immunofluorescence staining of HEK293T cells treated with (a) 10 μM puromycin (1), (b) 10 μM thpuromycin (2), (c) 10 μM AzThpuromycin (3), and (d) 10 μM F2AzThpuromycin (4) for 2 hours. Image channels top to bottom: DRAQ5 (nuclear stain), anti-puromycin (primary) and GAMAF488 (secondary), HPO-0100 (anti-ribosome, primary) and DAH Cy3 (secondary), overlay. (e) Fixed primary rat hippocampal neuron images stained with DRAQ5 (top), compound 4 (second row), anti-puromycin (third row), and anti-ribosome (fourth row). Images are overlayed (bottom).