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. 2023 May 12;14:1157535. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1157535


Subgroup analyses of comparing the effect of NHT to placebo on the improvement degree in the TDS scale after 4 weeks treatment.

Subgroup Mean ± SD (n) p-value
NHT Placebo
Improvement degree of score in TDS scale 5.85 ± 4.80 (54) 3.45 ± 3.45 (55) 0.004 a ,**
Sex (male) 5.09 ± 5.41 (11) 4.06 ± 3.88 (17) 0.378 b
Sex (female) 6.05 ± 4.68 (43) 3.18 ± 3.25 (38) 0.002 b ,**
Age (≥65 years) 4.17 ± 5.12 (6) 4.13 ± 3.09 (8) 0.985 a
Age (<65 years) 6.06 ± 4.77 (47) 3.34 ± 3.52 (48) 0.002 b ,**
BMI (≥22 kg/m2) 6.68 ± 4.91 (19) 3.16 ± 2.98 (31) 0.006 b ,**
BMI (<22 kg/m2) 5.40 ± 4.75 (35) 3.83 ± 4.01 (24) 0.191 a
PDS 4.52 ± 5.44 (21) 2.05 ± 2.66 (21) 0.071 a
EPS 4.62 ± 4.37 (13) 3.25 ± 3.13 (16) 0.336 a
Overlap 8.05 ± 3.61 (20) 5.28 ± 3.85 (18) 0.028 a ,*
FR 6.29 ± 5.33 (34) 3.09 ± 3.79 (35) 0.006 a ,**
Not FR 5.10 ± 3.74 (20) 4.10 ± 2.71 (20) 0.340 a
SSDC 5.13 ± 4.63 (38) 3.41 ± 2.67 (22) 0.073 a
SDQS 7.67 ± 5.77 (3) 2.83 ± 3.19 (6) 0.262 b
DLSS (0) 2.33 ± 3.79 (3)
TACH 4.50 ± 6.36 (2) 2.90 ± 3.18 (10) 0.758 b
DHSS 8.00 ± 5.06 (10) 3.44 ± 4.13 (9) 0.048 a ,*
FRED 9.00 (1) 6.20 ± 5.89 (5) 0.667 b

Independent two-sample t-test.


Mann–Whitney U test.

BMI, body mass index; DHSS, Dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach systems pattern; DLSS, Disharmony of liver and stomach systems pattern; EPS, epigastric pain syndrome; FR, food retention; FRED, food retention disorder pattern; NHT, Naesohwajung-tang; PDS, postprandial distress syndrome; SD, standard deviation; SDQS, spleen deficiency with qi stagnation pattern; SSDC, spleen and stomach deficiency with cold pattern; TACH, tangled cold and heat pattern; TDS, total dyspepsia symptom. Continuous values are presented as the mean ± SD. Statistically significant differences between the two groups were analyzed using the independent two-sample t-test or Mann–Whitney U test. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 indicate statistically significant differences between the NHT and placebo groups.