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. 2023 May 25;6(5):e2315250. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15250

Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics in Experiment 1.

Variable Patients, No. (%)
Overall (N = 1979) Adherent to LCS (n = 693) Nonadherent to LCS (n = 1286)
Lung-RADS score
1 or 2 1660 (83.9) 490 (70.7) 1170 (91.0)
3 154 (7.8) 83 (12.0) 71 (5.5)
4A 99 (5.0) 67 (9.7) 32 (2.5)
4B/X 66 (3.3) 53 (7.6) 13 (1.0)
Age, y
<65 868 (43.9) 268 (38.7) 600 (46.7)
≥65 1111 (56.1) 425 (61.3) 686 (53.3)
Female 803 (40.6) 276 (39.8) 527 (41.0)
Male 1176 (59.4) 417 (60.2) 759 (59.0)
Race and ethnicity
Asian 169 (8.5) 59 (8.5) 110 (8.6)
Black 130 (6.6) 49 (7.1) 81 (6.3)
Hispanic or Latino 111 (5.6) 35 (5.1) 76 (5.9)
White 1526 (77.1) 540 (77.9) 986 (76.7)
Othera 43 (2.2) 10 (1.4) 33 (2.6)
Educational level
Less than college 958 (48.4) 337 (48.6) 621 (48.3)
College graduate 590 (29.8) 186 (26.8) 404 (31.4)
Postgraduate 431 (21.8) 170 (24.5) 261 (20.3)
Family history of lung cancer
Yes 466 (23.5) 187 (27.0) 279 (21.7)
No 1513 (76.5) 506 (73.0) 1007 (78.3)
Smoking status
Current 769 (38.9) 246 (35.5) 523 (40.7)
Former 1210 (61.1) 447 (64.5) 763 (59.3)
Primary insurance
Medicare and/or Medicaid 830 (41.9) 328 (47.3) 502 (39.0)
Private or commercial 1121 (56.6) 358 (51.7) 763 (59.3)
Otherb 28 (1.4) 7 (1.0) 21 (1.6)
Age-adjusted CCI score
0 or 1 287 (14.5) 72 (10.4) 215 (16.7)
2 or 3 1152 (58.2) 403 (58.2) 749 (58.2)
≥4 540 (27.3) 218 (31.5) 322 (25.0)
Distance to screening centerc
≤Median 994 (50.2) 346 (49.9) 648 (50.4)
>Median 985 (49.8) 347 (50.1) 638 (49.6)
Household incomed
≤Median 1029 (52.0) 340 (49.1) 689 (53.6)
>Median 950 (48.0) 353 (50.9) 597 (46.4)
ADI state ranke
≤Median 1072 (54.2) 387 (55.8) 685 (53.3)
>Median 907 (45.8) 306 (44.2) 601 (46.7)
Type of referring physician
Pulmonology, thoracic oncology, radiology, or surgery 369 (18.6) 176 (25.4) 193 (15.0)
Otherf 1610 (81.4) 517 (74.6) 1093 (85.0)
Expected follow-up examination
Before COVID-19 1468 (74.2) 513 (74.0) 955 (74.3)
During COVID-19 pause 53 (2.7) 11 (1.6) 42 (3.3)
After COVID-19 pause 458 (23.1) 169 (24.4) 289 (22.5)

Abbreviations: ADI, Area Deprivation Index; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; LCS, lung cancer screening; Lung-RADS, Lung CT Screening Reporting & Data System.


Subcategories were American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, more than 1 race, or racial and ethnic group not otherwise stated.


Subcategories were Veterans Health Administration (n = 1), self-pay (n = 27), and other insurance not specified (n = 1).


Median distance to a screening center was 6.84 miles.


Median household income was $73 478.


Median ADI state rank was 3.


Subcategories were family medicine, general internal medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology.