Effect of IL mixtures from classical DFT. (a) Schematics
of micro-
and mesopores and a mixture of ionic liquids. (b) Ion selectivity
and (c) surface charge as a function of the bulk fraction x of [BF4]– in a mixture of
[EMIM]+, [TFSI]–, and [BF4]– for micro-
and mesopores. Reproduced with permission from ref (192). Copyright 2017 American
Physical Society. (d) Ion selectivity as a function of applied potential
difference with respect to the bulk electrolyte for a few pore widths
and the same IL mixture as in the other panels. Reproduced with permission
from ref (193). Copyright
2017 AIP Publishing. (e) Integral capacitance as a function of the
pore width H in a mixture of [EMIM]+,
[TFSI]–, and [BF4]– for a few molar fractions of [BF4]–. (f) Integral capacitance as a function of the bulk fraction x of [BF4]– in a mixture of
[EMIM]+, [TFSI]–, and [BF4]– for a few applied potential differences and
pore width 0.8 nm. Reproduced with permission from ref (194). Copyright 2018 Elsevier.