Figure 4.
Kinetics of DNA release during pre-digestion wash
(A and B) Percentage of DNA released following pre-digestion wash of incremental time (10 min–1 h). The results are shown for the AMIENS268t2 (A) and MAJ46t9 (B) teeth (see Figure S2 for LAR27t2 and SQ8723t2 results). High-quality sequence alignments are aligned against the pathogen genome (CO92 and plasmids, dark purple, and dark orange) or the human mtDNA genome (Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence rCRS, light purple, and light orange).
(C and D) Prediction for the DNA fraction remaining to be released following incremental pre-digestion wash. Predictions are based on the linear models shown in panels A and B for Y. pestis (dark purple and dark orange) and human mtDNA (light purple and light orange). The blue and dark orange dashed lines indicate the times when respectively 95% and 99% of the DNA has been released. See also Figure S2.