Fig. 5.
Deletion of CQD2 restores the phenotypes of a Δcqd1 Δups1 double deletion. (A) Deletion of CQD2 in the Δcqd1 Δups1 background rescues the growth phenotype. Strains were grown to logarithmic phase and growth was analyzed by drop dilution assay on SCD plates at 30°C. (B,C) Mdj1 import and Mgm1 processing are restored in the Δcqd1 Δups1 Δcqd2 triple mutant. Cells were grown in SCD, whole-cell lysates were prepared and analyzed by immunoblotting. Pgk1 served as a loading control. (B) p, precursor of Mdj1; m, mature form of Mdj1. The quantification (Image Studio software) was obtained from three independent experiments and shows means of the ratio of the Mdj1 precursor to the total amount of Mdj1. (C) l, long isoform of Mgm1; s, short isoform of Mgm1. The quantification (Image Studio software) was obtained from three independent experiments and shows means of the ratio of the short form to the long form of Mgm1. Error bars indicate s.d. ***P≤0.001; ****P≤0.0001 (unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test). Images in A are representative of at least three repeats.