MALDI-TOF-MS [142,143,144,145] |
Rapid and straightforward operability
Low sample volumes
Mostly single-charged registered ions [M-H]+
High throughput
High accuracy, resolution, and sensitivity
No staining, labelling, anti-body, and hybridisation
Suitable for large polypeptides (>30 kDa) detection
SELDI-TOF-MS [146] |
High throughput
Low sample volumes
High sensitivity
Easy operability
Suitable for small peptides (∼500 Da) detection
Suitable for low MW, modified, truncated, or fragmented proteins detection
Failure of the validation process
Low reproducibility
Low resolution
Biased toward smaller peptides and proteins (<30 kDa)
Problems in larger MW proteins and PTM identification
Ion suppression
Prone to artefacts generation
LC-MS [68,147,148,149,150] |
Problems in identifying hydrocarbons that produce similar ions
Highly manual workflows for sample preparation can benefit from automation
The high complexity of the instrumentation’s operation and maintenance when looking at a limited number of analytes
GC-MS [147,150] |
High-efficiency separations
Suitable for nonpolar, volatile, and small molecules
High sensitivity
High throughput
Limited mass range
Limited to thermally stable and volatile compounds
Destructive analysis
Not suitable for compounds heavier than 1000 Da
Time-consuming for sample preparation
NMR [150,151] |
1DGE [68,152,153,154] |
Simple workflow
2DGE [68,152,153,154] |
High resolution
High throughput
Gel-to-gel variation
Lack of sensitivity
Poor dynamic range
Highly skilled operators
Not automated approach
2D-DIGE [153,155,156] |
Wide dynamic range detection
Fewer number of gels
Straightforward matching between gels
Higher sensitivity and reproducibility over 2DGE
Immunoassay techniques (ELISA, Western Blot) [152,157,158] |
Resource-intensive efforts
Not recognition of posttranslational protein variants
Limited multiplexing options
Relatively high sample volume
Stability of reagents affects outcome
Limited number of analytes in each analysis