Effects of Ttll gene on mice behavior. (A) Ttll7 knockout mice body weight was significantly heavier with p < 0.05, denoted by *; (B) the body temperature no significant difference with p > 0.05, denoted by ns; (C) the latency to fall off the wire grid was significantly shorter with p < 0.001, denoted by ***; (D) the grip strength no significant difference with p > 0.05, denoted by ns (WT: n = 20, 7KO: n = 20). (E) The immobility percentage in Porsolt forced swim test, day 1: genotype × time interaction, p = 0.0069; day 2: genotype × time interaction, p = 0.0254 (WT: n = 19, 7KO: n = 20). (F) The distance traveled in Porsolt forced swim test, day 1: genotype × time interaction, p = 0.0035 (WT: n = 19, 7KO: n = 20). (G) Social interaction in home cage, Ttll7 knockout mice showed a significantly increased mean of particles during the night (p = 0.0402), (WT: n = 9 mice, 7KO: n = 9 mice). (H) There was no significant difference in distance traveled in the elevated plus maze test, but the Ttll7 knockout mice distance traveled significantly greater in the first 5 min (genotype effect, p = 0.0048; genotype × time interaction, p = 0.0001) (WT: n = 19, 7KO: n = 20). (I) The kindling test was done on 3 pairs of WT and Ttll1(Het)/Ttll7(Homo) mice, p < 0.001, denoted by **; unpaired t test. Data represented as mean ± SEM in figure (A–H) and mean ± SD in figure (I). The p values indicate the genotype effect in one-way ANOVA (A–D, and H left) or two-way repeated measures ANOVA (E–H right). Abbreviations: 7KO: Ttll7 knockout; IP: intraperitoneal injection.