(A) Antibody staining against CCHa1 in the nervous system and the posterior midgut, in control animals (UAS-CCHa1-RNAi) and animals in which CCHa1 is depleted using elav-Gal4 (elav>CCHa1-RNAi). (B) CCHa1 staining, and arousability from sleep, when CCHa1 is conditionally depleted using pros-Gal4 (prosts>CCHa1-RNAi). In A and B, scale bars: 100 μm. (C) Arousability from sleep when enteroendocrine cells are activated (yellow), or when they are activated and simultaneously depleted of CCHa1 (pink). UAS-GFP was included to control for UAS number. (D) Schematic. Error bars, mean and S.E.M. Genotypes, sample sizes and statistical analyses, Table S3. See also Figure S2.