Figure 9.
Cytochemical Localization of Wound-Inducible H2O2 in Mesophyll Cells of Tomato Leaves.
(A) Spongy mesophyll cells of a control leaf from an unwounded plant does not exhibit H2O2 in the cell walls or intercellular spaces (IS).
(B) Accumulation of H2O2 in the bordering cell walls of a vascular parenchyma and a spongy mesophyll cell of a wounded leaf 4 hr after wounding.
(C) Accumulation of H2O2 in the cell walls of two spongy mesophyll cells facing an intercellular space 4 hr after wounding of the leaf.
(D) Systemic H2O2 accumulation in the cell walls of two spongy mesophyll cells facing an intercellular space 4 hr after wounding of the lower leaf.
(E) Constitutive accumulation of H2O2 in the cell wall of a spongy mesophyll cell of a leaf from a transgenic tomato plant overexpressing prosystemin. The proteinaceous material (P) within the central vacuole corresponds to aggregates containing proteinase inhibitor proteins that constitutively accumulate in transgenic tissue.
(F) Inhibition of wound-induced H2O2 accumulation by DPI. Leaf samples were obtained 4 hr after wounding.
C, chloroplast; CW, cell wall; M, mitochondrion; N, nucleus; P, protein aggregates of defensive inhibitor proteins; V, central vacuole. Bar in (A), (C), (D), and (F) = 2 μm; bar in (B) and (E) = 1 μm.