Figure 9.
Members of the CesA Family Exhibit Functional Specialization.
Shown is a phylogenetic tree based on the HVR (see text and Figure 5) of protein sequences of Arabidopsis and cotton CesA family members. Alignment data are from bootstrap values sampled 100 times and used to construct the consensus tree shown. Numbers are bootstrap values and indicate the number of trees in which the proteins to the right of the bootstrap values clustered together. Gh EST-AI727450 was included as an outlier. The five other cotton genes did not cluster together but instead clustered with one or two Arabidopsis sequences, suggesting that the CesA amino acid sequences diverged before the divergence between Brassicaceae and Malvaceae; that, in turn, suggests a functional specialization of most CesA isoforms.
At, Arabidopsis thaliana; Gh, Gossypium hirsutum.