Photomicrographs of Nyctotherus velox from the hindgut of the millipede Archispirostreptus gigas. Samples were colorized by iodine (B1) and chrome-alum-carmine solutions (B2,E2), and the pyridinated silver carbonate method (E1). Scale bars are 1 µm (D2), 10 µm (B1,B2,D1,E1,E2,F), 20 µm (C1–C3), and 50 µm (A1–A3). Samples from hindgut contents (A1–A3); samples from the culture (B1,B2,C1–C3,D1,D2,E1,E2,F); the protozoan right side (A1); the protozoan left side (A2); the striation pattern of ciliature (A3); MaN, the macronucleus; PV, the pulsatile vacuole; the green and blue autofluorescence of intracellular methanogens in UV light (C2,C3); the scanning electrograph of the ciliate right side (D1); the scanning electrograph of the dikinetid cilia growing from the furrows (D2); cysts (E1,E2); intracellular amylopectin from broken ciliates fed by rice starch (F).